Interesting and exciting news has trickled out concerning the beloved series, Zone of the Enders. Hideo Kojima has revealed that Kojima Productions is currently working on a new game under the working title, “Enders Project.” Details are very slim at this point, but we do know that the game is still in an “experimental” phase, reports 4gamer. Kojima is also looking into making the game with the developer’s Fox engine, but this is uncertain.
Kojima has revealed that this will be a proper, full-length sequel to Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, which was originally released for the PlayStation 2 back in 2003. The game will take place within an ancient civilization, or at least those were the early plans. There is currently a lot of speculation, but the only concrete pieces of media that have surfaced are a piece of artwork and a scale model, which have been uploaded via Twitter.