Titanfall Leads E3 Best of Show Nominations
EA and Respawn’s TitanFall leads the E3 Game Critics Awards with six nominees.
EA and Respawn’s TitanFall leads the E3 Game Critics Awards with six nominees.
It has been more than a week after this year’s E3 and more Entertainment Fuse writers have their thoughts about the show itself and what transpired the past couple of weeks.
A new video has been released today showing off the engine that is powering the rather gorgeous looking Battlefield 4.
Chris and Kelly Brown from The Married Gamers join us this week for an impromptu podcast. With Microsoft making some huge changes to their console we all weigh in… some of us feel relieved and others liked the past rules better. We also discuss if the Kinect is a privacy problem or not.
Now that Microsoft has reversed their Xbox Live policies regarding DRM and used games, what does all of this mean for both the short and long term?
How does each of the big four shooters of E3 2013 offer something different to the FPS table? (CoD’s dog, BF4’s Commander mode returning, Destiny & Titanfall’s MPonly approaches)
Microsoft finally ends the debate on always on connections, DRM restrictions, and used games as they are backtracking on everything regarding the Xbox One’s policies.