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Games We Love: Devil May Cry 4
February 27, 2017 | PS4 Features
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Games We Love: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
December 13, 2016 | PS4 Features
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WWE 2K17 (PC) Review
October 24, 2016 | PC Reviews
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XCOM 2 (PS4) Review
October 18, 2016 | PS4 Reviews
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Have Platinum Games Lost Their Magic?
October 10, 2016 | PS4 Features

Xbox 360

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Snoopy Flying Ace Review

Let’s be honest, the title “Snoopy Flying Ace” sounds like enough in and of itself to write this game off as being even more shovelware for Xbox Live, but if there is one thing you shouldn’t do with this game, it’s write it off. The concept is simple: take the Snoopy/Red Baron comic strip and make it into a video game. Of course, this concept sounds so ridiculous that there would be no way it could be transformed into a good multiplayer flying game, right?

Wrong. Snoopy Flying Ace shocks you immediately by giving you a variety of weapons at your disposal, most of which are fun to use and tamper around with. Some do seem a bit throwaway, such as the sniper type weapon, the Silver Bullet. It’s tough to get a straight shot on a moving airplane, but when you have all the other options at your disposal, you get over that problem fairly quickly. The homing missiles are easily the most fun. I found myself constantly diving into a large dog fight, just going crazy and firing homing missiles at everything like a madman. And in the end, that didn’t work out very well for me, but it was still damn fun.

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Video Interview with Kane and Lynch 2 Developers

“What do we perceive as real?”

That is the key question that the folks from Eidos and Io Interactive asked themselves when they sat down to make Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days. With that integral concept in mind, they set out to create a third-person shooter that was not only responsive and entertaining, but also engrossing and groundbreaking in the way it was “shot” and how it unfolded.

I had a chance to sit down a few weeks ago with Karsten Lund, Kane and Lynch 2’s Game Director, to talk to him about the plot of the game, the multiplayer, and what we could expect in general from Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days when we see it hit store shelves in August.

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UFC Undisputed 2010 Review

They are modern day gladiators as fans cheer for knockout blows and bone breaking submissions. It is the fastest growing sport in America and is wowing fans with both the technical precision and sheer brutality its athletes need in order to just be competitive, never mind to try to reach superstar status. Of course, I am talking about MMA and its premiere league, the UFC. As with every sport in modern America though, you haven’t really made the full impact your capable of on the popular culture until you have a successful video game franchise. With that, I present to you the second video game installment of the UFC: UFC Undisputed 2010 from THQ.

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Split/Second Review

When you think of a Jerry Bruckheimer or Michael Bay production, you think of big-budget, high gloss, action sequences with fast cars, multiple explosions and plenty of hair-raising moments. Vehicles are engulfed in flames left, right and centre, flipping into the air and careening out of control; buildings collapse upon the streets, shop windows are blown out, helicopters swoop down across the road and city centres are completely and utterly demolished amidst the chaos and destruction of this grandiose action sequence. Now, gather all of these jaw dropping elements, roll them into one package, and make them the defining feature of an intense arcade racer. That’s Split/Second in a nutshell, and it’s as crazy, exhilarating and fun as it sounds, even if that initial excitement may not hold up in the long run.

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What’ll You Be Playing This Weekend?

With the weekend coming up, freetime generally becomes a thing. I’ve had a busy week, but with the weekend looming over me, I’ve drawn out a plan for the weekend. This’ll will be a weekly feature, where I wrangle some of the other editors together to put in their weekend plans, too. And hey, while we’re at it, we’ll be asking you, too. Drop in your plans for a gaming weekend. It’ll probably be fun. Probably!

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Rumored Natal Price

Natal is set to release around the Holiday season this year and a lot of people are getting excited about this new installment to their 360.  However, they also have been wondering if this is going to put a huge dent in their wallets.  While we don’t know any official information from Microsoft, according to Edge the price stands at $299 with an Xbox 360 Arcade unit and $149 for just the unit itself.

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Lost Planet 2 Review

A cold frigid land awaits us in the brink of the black canvas. Wait… isn’t this Lost Planet? Isn’t this EDN III? Well yeah it is, but… it’s tropical! That’s right, the second installment of the Lost Planet series takes us back to EDN III to envision a lush tropical land that was hidden under all that snow in the first one… who would’ve thought that under all that snow we’d actually find something that cool?  Well back to the point, this game has been long in the making and a couple demos have come to surface themselves from the ashes of the Capcom’s anticipated sequel to their hit multiplayer game from 2006, but the question still lingers… was the wait even worth all the hot anticipation?

Everything has had some sort of change in the past few years for the sequel. A lot is sort of an understatement since I last checked… and it really boils down to how you see everything. Some of the changes were for better, some were just downright periling and it kind of makes you want to scream in pain. I walked into the game with an open mind and wasn’t expecting too much as the first one for me was really a screwball hint of illustrious joy. I enjoyed multiplayer and was up in the air with singleplayer when I got my hands in on the first one, but I couldn’t help but be disappointed with a few elements with the first game, and they didn’t really fix it in the sequel (kind of breaks off that sequel monotony, instead of fixing problems, they just exacerbate them!).

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