Medal of Honor: Beta Thoughts
So this guy was all up in my house wondering… “What’s on the television set?&” and being the old fashioned type of dude that I am, I replied to him: “Looks like a penguin…” then he’s all like, “You stole that from Monty Python,” and I was all like… “No… there is a penguin on the set,” because at the time, I had a pet penguin I called Pub-the-dub and he liked the heat of the television set so he stayed up there. So then we got into this fight, and yada-yada-yada I started to play this game. Oh hi! I’m Tristan Wong, one of the writers for this fine site and recently I got my hands on something… something divine… something rich, something that involves a certain director named Steven Spielberg. This game is so legendary, I can’t even remember it’s divine na—wait… it’s in the title of this article, what the hell am I thinking…