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Games We Love: Devil May Cry 4
February 27, 2017 | PS4 Features
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Games We Love: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
December 13, 2016 | PS4 Features
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WWE 2K17 (PC) Review
October 24, 2016 | PC Reviews
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XCOM 2 (PS4) Review
October 18, 2016 | PS4 Reviews
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Have Platinum Games Lost Their Magic?
October 10, 2016 | PS4 Features

Xbox 360

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Crysis 2 Leaked, EA isn’t happy

Just about a month from release, pirates have leaked Crysis 2 to the internet. The leak includes the Campaign, Multiplayer and keys to activate the product for use online. Needless to say, EA isn’t exactly happy with the situation.

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Bulletstorm Being Targeted By The Anti-Video Game Crowd

I’ll put the
link to the full story at the bottom. Seriously, isn’t it about time all these
anti-videogame people came up with some new lines? Not only are they about 15
years late to the point every single time, they just repeat the same, ignorant
argument over and over again.

Also, there
tends to be very extraneous remarks made in these types of attacks against
games that feature violence or gore. For example, in the article below, the
writer seemingly assumes that 9 year olds are going to know what a “gang bang”
is. Isn’t that stretching things a little too far, not to mention the fact that
9 year olds should be nowhere near a game like Bulletstorm. It’s the job of the
parent to control what games their children play, not the government and
certainly not the developer.

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Two Worlds II (Xbox 360) Review

The original Two Worlds was, for lack of a better descriptive
phrase, awful. Any individual who thought that a sequel would come out of it
would have been laughed right out of the game industry. Reality Pump made a controversial
decision to revive and retool the franchise that had left such a terrible taste
in the game industry’s mouth, and somehow it worked. The game is infinitely
better than the first, and is a worthy addition to your game collection.

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The Retirement Club: 5 Old Games You May Have Missed

Now that this generation is well and truly in full swing, there are loads of old titles that now reside in the bargain bin in your local game store. With how obsessed the industry has become with the day one sales and marketing their games relentlessly, you could be missing out on some real hidden gems. But which ones are worth buying? It’s safe to assume that you may not have heard many details about these older titles, but fear not, I have that info right here!


Odds are, you’ve heard a fare amount about Crackdown 2. However, the original was largely over-shadowed by the fact that it included an invite to the Halo 3 beta. The original Crackdown is largely similar to the sequel that came out last year, this one has a far better structure. Crackdown 2 does away with a lot of that and seems to lack a core objective. The original Crackdown is a super fun open world game that serves as an early example of one that used the power of a next gen console to enhance gameplay rather than just graphics. If you haven’t played any Crackdown yet, or only the sequel, this game deserves a spin in your 360.

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Tons of News In Latest Activision Conference Call

Activision finished up quite an investor call in the past
few days. And in this investor call they announced the cancellations of
multiple big named Activision franchises while also announcing a new studio.
The titles that have been cancelled are: the new DJ Hero, new Guitar Hero, and
True Crime: Hong Kong, the most surprising of those being True Crime. Though
none of us expected True Crime: Hong Kong to be a great game, Activision had
been talking about it for over a year now, and had demoed it to press multiple

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Stacking (Xbox 360) Review

If you came up to me and said, “Russian stacking dolls
game.” My response would be, “Is Double Fine developing it?” As that is just
the reputation Double Fine has garnered over its time in the video game
industry, making games that have a seemingly ridiculous yet lovable plot, which
is the definition of their newest release, Stacking.

In Stacking, you are Charlie Blackmore, one of the smallest
Russian stacking dolls out there, and your brothers and sister have been captured
by the evil Baron and summoned into some kind of child labor hell. Little
Charlie decides it is his time to prove he is more than just the smallest doll
in the family, as he goes out to save his siblings. Stacking may have a
seemingly cute concept, but the story has some oddly deep underlying messages
involving child labor in foreign countries and even forcing you to deal with
your father’s possible death throughout most of the game. It’s these messages
that make Stacking more than just a cutesy puzzle game. Throughout its story,
you continue to get deeply invested into the Blackmore family and actually
stopping child labor. Stacking is oddly serious at times, but never to the
point where it loses its charm and wit.

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Call of Juarez Goes Modern

Ubisoft is taking the Call of Juarez franchise into the modern era with, Call of Juarez The Cartel.  Ubisoft released some details about the newest game in the franchise.   Adam Novickas, director of marketing at Ubisoft said, “Call of Juarez The Cartel is an action-packed shooter game with a strong story, interesting characters and a wide variety of gameplay options.”

In The Cartel you will take on a journey that will begin in Los Angeles, California to Juarez, Mexico.  Ubisoft also says that some of the best elements of the Wild West will be put into the modern era.  They are hoping to bring a gritty and relevant story to the game.  There is no word on whether there will be a correlation between Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood and The Cartel. 

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