The Retirement Club: 5 Old Games You May Have Missed
Now that this generation is well and truly in full swing, there are loads of old titles that now reside in the bargain bin in your local game store. With how obsessed the industry has become with the day one sales and marketing their games relentlessly, you could be missing out on some real hidden gems. But which ones are worth buying? It’s safe to assume that you may not have heard many details about these older titles, but fear not, I have that info right here!
Odds are, you’ve heard a fare amount about Crackdown 2. However, the original was largely over-shadowed by the fact that it included an invite to the Halo 3 beta. The original Crackdown is largely similar to the sequel that came out last year, this one has a far better structure. Crackdown 2 does away with a lot of that and seems to lack a core objective. The original Crackdown is a super fun open world game that serves as an early example of one that used the power of a next gen console to enhance gameplay rather than just graphics. If you haven’t played any Crackdown yet, or only the sequel, this game deserves a spin in your 360.