We’re in our second month of nonstop game sales online, and there’s still plenty of time to grab a gift for your gamer pals online (Or stock up on enough games to get you through to next year’s Black Friday sale). In addition to all of the usual weekend sales, many stores and distributors are holding Daily Deals too, so let’s take a look at what’s available today, and over the weekend.
Amazon is holding a special sale on all things World Of Warcraft at the moment, so if you need to grab some of the expansion packs before you jump into Cataclysm, you can get any of them for half price (Cataclysm is not included in this sale). If you haven’t tried WoW yet, the original game is going for $9.99 and the Battle Chest (Which has the game and first expansion Burning Crusade) can be yours for $19.99. The second expansion, Wrath of the Lich King is down to $19.99 . Amazon’s Daily Deal today is for kids games, so PC gamers can get a few of the Lego games for about fifteen dollars as well.
Steam has a great Weekend Deal; Amnesia The Dark Descent at half off for $9.99. We loved this indie horror title when it came out a couple of months ago, and this is a terrific price for it. Check out our review if you need to be convinced!Steam also has recently knocked 75% off the price of Evil Genius, a sort of malevolent version of the Sims. It’s down to $2.50 now, and certainly worth a look. It was recently announced that it is going to be ported to a Facebook game, but you’re much better off playing the proper stand-alone version.
Direct2drive.com is putting a 20% discount on everything for the weekend if you enter the code “HOHOHO” at checkout. They have quite a few other deals going on too at the moment, including the GOTY Edition of Fallout 3 for $29.95, plus their Daily Deal on Atari games. Today that Daily Deal is Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena for just $4.75. Riddick is a great, yet unappreciated game, and you shouldn't be put off by the fact that it's a licensed game.
Telltalegames.com is selling almost everything in their store at 50% off at the moment, and there will be a new deal tomorrow. Today you can get the discount on everything except Poker Night, or Back to the Future.
Gamestop.com has a Buy 2 Get One Free deal for online purchases this weekend if you nter the code “B2G1PS” at checkout. They have a few other sales running at the moment as well, including a discount if you order online, but pick up your purchase at a store.
GamesForWindows.com has a rather unimpressive Weekly Deal right now. They’re selling any of three games by casual publisher Popcap for 25% off. So, if you’ve been holding off on Plants VS Zombies, this is your chance to get it for a couple bucks off. Considering that GFW has been giving us a great stream of games at 90% off lately, this is kind of a letdown.
I covered GamersGate.com earlier this week, but their current sales are so great I have to mention them again. First is their weekly “Holiday Gift Guide” sale with a bunch of games marked down 50-75% off which puts many great games at five dollars or less. They’re also doing a “3 for 4” sale which will let you buy three games, and get a fourth free in addition to the sale prices. And they have a sale on every game in the Europa Universalis franchise, everything in the series is at 70% off, which makes most of the games less than five dollars (The first one is 0.89¢).
ImpulseDriven.com has six weekend “Impulse Buys”. You can get several Crazy Machines games at 50% off, along with Supreme Commander, Demigod of an indie game Boh at half off. Impulse also has a few other sales going on right now, including a Daily Deal which is our official BEST DEAL OF THE DAY: Mass Effect 2 for just ten dollars. That’s arguably the best game of the year, selling for a fraction of a pittance. If you don't already own this, you have no excuse now.