Drake’s Role In Gears Of War 3
As Gears of War grows older the cast of characters do too and part of the reason we all love this franchise is because some of it’s memorable characters such as Cole Train, Marcus and the rest of the group… and we love it because of chainsaw rifles. With the new trailer that was release a few weeks back they introduced two new characters and while we’re still waiting on more information on the first woman gear ever seen in the game, we have some news on the other. Aubrey Graham, aka Drake the rap artist, will be playing the role of Jace Stratton a character that was introduced in the comic books. This will definitely be an interesting addition to the cast of characters and hopefully he’ll be fleshed out in the story and not just thrown in as another throw away character. And maybe we’ll get another sick song in the credits like we did in the first game which still was one of my favorite parts of that game.
This news does come at a surprise since Ice T. did talk about how he will be doing a part in Gears of War 3 which I originally thought was going to be Stratton but since it’s not, I’m curious to see what role he’ll play, if any. Even with this news, all anyone really wants is some game-play demos and Cliff Bleszinski up on stage talking about what they’re doing different to make this game ten times better than the first two. With E3 just around the corner that’s better be what we get so make sure to check back on all your video game news during the biggest show of the year.