Homefront (Xbox 360) Review
War on American soil is a petrifying thing, especially for Americans. Because of this, that topic is rarely touched upon in gaming which is a disappointing fact as it is an interesting concept that can evoke strong emotions from many different kinds of gamers. And when it has been touched on, such as in Turning Point: Fall of Liberty and Modern Warfare 2, it’s either not taken seriously enough or in Turning Point’s case, everything about it is broken. Will Homefront be another game to take that faithful war on US soil risk and fail at it? Or can it finally break that very frustrating mold established by past games?
In Homefront, you’re thrust into a chaos ravaged war where North Korea seems to own almost everything and gas prices are rising to around 20 dollars a gallon. This along with the rest of the premise of the game (North Korea invades US, Kim Jong Ill dies, North Korea takes over Japan, etc) is established before you start playing the game in a very engaging opening video. It shows all live action situations such as Hilary Clinton speaking on North Korea, a mad redneck yelling “the only good communist, is a dead communist” (in a rather hilarious fashion might I add), among other things. Thankfully it doesn’t look too silly and manages to make you quickly afraid of both North Korea and of what will come of the United States.