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Top 10 Events to Look Forward to at E3
June 10, 2017 | PC Features
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Every Mass Effect Comic Ranked
June 1, 2017 | Comic Features
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Another One: Call of Duty: WWII
April 28, 2017 | PS4 Features
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Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite Slated for September 19th
April 25, 2017 | PS4 News
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Yooka-Laylee (PS4) Review
April 18, 2017 | PS4 Reviews

Video Games

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DC Universe DLC Going Green

was announced that DC Universe will be releasing a paid DLC that will
allow those to gain themselves a power ring. DC has announced that
though you will have the option to fight on the side of the Oa or the
Sinestro Corps you will not officially be one of them. Though this
shouldn’t matter too much since it fits with the game’s “almost” style.
This being that your character is “almost” Superman, or “almost” Batman.
Before you freak out not really being able to become a Green Lantern,
consider the following. DC has said that the rings players receive are
emergency rings that are duplicates of existing Green Lantern rings.
Though they have not commented on it, this most likely is the excuse for
the yellow power rings as well. 

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Catherine Hands On Preview

A demo of the English language version of Catherine hit Xbox Live today giving westerners a chance to meet both Catherine with “C” and Katherine with a “K”, as well a try out the game’s platforming/ climbing puzzles.

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Bring It Back: The Mark of Kri

Welcome to the first installment of Bring It Back, the recurring
feature series where we pick a game or series from the Playstation’s
past that deserves a revival on modern-day hardware. Some people
complain that there are too many sequels and reboots clogging up the
shelves at game stores these days, but it’s obvious why they keep
getting made so often. People like what they already know, and will pay
for more of it. As long as this is the case, they might as well do it
with settings and ideas that deserve to get explored more. Some of these
will be series that were successful for a time and have just been
forgotten, others are little known concepts that deserve another chance
to get an audience. Whatever the case, these are games we want someone
to bring back.

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This Week on PS3 – July 12th, 2011

The summer doldrums continue, with not a whole lot in terms of new,
compelling content for the up-to-date PS3 user. Personally, I’m no where
near lacking for games to play after Steam’s annual summer blowout, and
PSN is following suit with something similar this week to help tide you

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The Witcher 2 Developer Sued Over Distribution Disagreement

CD Projekt Reds latest action RPG, The Witcher 2, was both a critical and commercial success, selling more than 400,000 copies. Soon after this news, CD Projekt Red announced an Xbox 360 version was in the making. There are still problems for the Polish developer however, as CD Projekt has confirmed that they are being sued by Namco Bandai, the European distributors of The Witcher 2.

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Dishonored Plot Revealed

Bethesda and Arkane Studios have announced their next game in the form of Dishonored. Dishonored
will be a stealth action-adventure game and it’s being worked on by
Harvey Smith, one of the minds behind the hugely popular PC games Thief and Deus Ex.
game will be based around you playing as Corvo, the bodyguard of ‘The
Empress’ who is framed for her murder and then sets out to get revenge
utilizing a number of powerful supernatural abilities and deadly
gadgets. Arkane has said that the core gameplay will revolve around
assassinations, but unlike the Assassin’s Creed games, the world and gameplay of Dishonored
will react to how violently you play the game. Arkane also revealed
that Corvo’s different gadgets and abilities can be combined in various
ways, which should make for some very interesting gameplay.

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Dead Block Review

is set in the U.S. during the 1950s and takes place when a gallon of gas
cost a few pennies, when movies were in the “golden age” and when rock ’n
roll swept the nation and causes the decease in the walking
dead apocalypse. The campaign tells a story through a TV series, which portrays the fight for
survival of the three protagonists in several episodes. Every time you start a
new mission you get a short fifteen second intro that summarizes what you need
to do in that mission. It’s very original and I really like the approach to
this since the story isn’t the main focus. That’s a good thing because the
combat is horrible.

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