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Rage May and Very Easily Could Change the Post Apocalyptic Setting

Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, and Borderlands; what do all of
these games have in common?  While
the list may consist of many things, one of the most apparent is the fact that
all feature a post-apocalyptic setting.  While the first is largely a story driven, linear path game,
the other two focus on the fact that you, as the character are in an open world,
and can really do whatever you want whenever you want.  There is a main storyline, but often
this storyline is quite short (in the case of Fallout 3) or quite shallow (in
the case of Borderlands, although some may argue it had been designed as such),
and the true depth of the gameplay comes through exploration and the discovery
and completion of side quests.  The
problem with this is that in both of these games, there is really no succinct
way of accomplishing exploration. 
In Fallout, there is fast travel, but if you die before you discover the
location, then you have to start back at square one, and the only other way to travel is to walk…a lot. 
With the case of Borderlands, a vehicle system is put into pay with
extremely basic customization options, but often times there is not too much to
explore, and vehicles are used to get straight from point A to B, then are
ditched. With each of these two games attempting vehicle use in open world gameplay, but not quite hitting the nail
on the head, an alternative is needed to get it right.

Enter Rage, the upcoming entry from id Software (the
gentlemen who brought you the Doom and Quake franchises).  Watch any video and it is apparent that
Rage is heavily focused on the first person shooting experience, but there is
also a very strong vehicle component to the game.  Buggies cannot only be used as transportation from city to
city, but there are also online modes where one can race buggies against other
opponents.  Up until this point,
racing and first person shooting have, for the most part, stayed far away from
each other, but what Rage is hoping to accomplish may in fact change the genre
in some very unique ways.

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Final Fantasy  HD Remake Announced

At the Square-Enix press conference, Square announced that it plans on following in the footsteps of many others in the industry and release a new HD rerelease from the Final Fantasy series.

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Let Playstation Know Why You’re the Best

An interesting, if cryptic, post hit the Playstation blog today with a call for the “ultimate Playstation gamer”, or gamers to be more precise, as they’re looking for “a few”.  It’s all very vague.

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Gears of War: The Story So Far – Part 1

With 4 novels and 2 award-winning games, the Gears of War universe has grown to be quite expansive over the last 3 years.  Since Gears of War 3 is just around the corner, I’d like to take this opportunity to fill you in on the story so far, both for those of you who have never experienced what the series has to offer and those who have been away from the series since the end of the 2nd game.  Think of this as a continuous timeline rather than a book-by-book and game-by-game summary.  At the end of the summary, you can find out where each game ends as well as what backstory comes from the first 3 novels.

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Gears of War: The Story So Far – Part 2

With 4 novels and 2 award-winning games, the Gears of War universe has become quite expansive over the last 3 years.  Since Gears of War 3 is just around the corner, I’d like to take this opportunity to recap the story so far, both for those who never experienced what the series has to offer and those who have been away from the series since the end of the 2nd game.

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Video of Max Payne 3 Hits The Internet Like A Set Of Brass Knuckles On A Stoolie’s Jaw

Max Payne was always a series about a hard-boiled detective who takes the law into his own hands, but the new trailer for Max Payne 3 shows that the latest game in the series is taking the franchise in a completely new direction.

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Gears of War 2 – Retro Review

As the credits began to roll at the
end of the first Gears of War,
players knew immediately that Epic Games would develop a follow-up. As
anticipated, Gears of War 2 was released
two years later, in November of 2008. The first game provided Epic a foundation
to build upon in the sequel, and Gears of
War 2
certainly relies heavily on this framework.

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