Will Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes Succeed Where Age of Reckoning Failed?
When Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning first launched, it was the big contender to take Blizzards prized MMORPG World of Warcraft down from its throne as the world’s (Or atleast the western world’s) most popular MMO. Despite its excellent setting, PVP focus and cool mechanics like public questing, Warhammer Online failed to challenge Blizzard’s massive online game. Since then, Warhammer Online has been on a steady decline as the playerbase continued to dwindle, both due to the lack of new content and the lack of a community around the game. In a push to renew the popularity of the game, EA and Bioware Mythic are revamping the game and changing it from a subscription based massively multiplayer online role playing game to a free to play battleground game somewhere between Bloodlines Champions and World of Warcraft’s Battlegrounds.