HD Remakes Will Be the End of Me
As I write this, I am eagerly awaiting the moment I wake up tomorrow, fore the 27th marks the release of two of my all time favorite games on the PS3: Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Yet while I wait for these games to be released on the $40 disc that many PS2 classics have been ported to, I have to wonder if we would even be having this conversation six years ago, before the release of the PS3. Back when the PS2 was current, the need for disc remakes of PS1 games was unnecessary, because every PS2 could play close to any PS1 game via backwards compatibility. That being said, now we have reached an age where it seems like the gamer is being ostracized through these “HD Remakes.” The big wigs at the head of the game hardware companies have realized that they can make more money off of gamers by not including backwards compatibility, instead re-releasing old disc-based products.