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Rage Review

Rage is iD Software’s first game since Doom 3 was released back in 2005.  The first time that Rage was ever shown was in 2007 as a tech demo, which places the development cycle for Rage at about 5 years (1 year to complete the stuff for the tech demo and get everything ready to show, then 4 years since 2007 until it was officially released).  With the amount of time that it took to develop, many people had expectations on what Ragewas actually going to be.  Some thought that it would be a full racer with not much first person shooting, while others thought the exact opposite.  Well, Rage finally came out on Tuesday, and I can say that it is a very fun game to play.

Comparisons will inevitably be drawn to Fallout 3 and Borderlands, and while these may seem apt, they are mostly wrong.  Sure, in all of these games you control a character in a post apocalyptic setting who fires guns at menacing-looking enemies, but I find that the depth that Rage has is quite different from the others.  Most of this depth comes from the fact that unlike the other two games, the main customization aspect is with the buggies.  In fact, there is absolutely no skill tree to plug points into your character.  In addition to this, you are also assigned a generic looking guy whom you play as throughout the entire game.  While your character does get armor early in the game, it is apparent that iD focused on the gunplay and driving, because once you put on the armor, you will be very hard pressed to find other pieces of armor.  After about 4 hours of play, I was still wearing the same armor that I had received within the first hour, because that was the only option.  Instead of finding armor, the loot that you will be picking up in the aptly named Wasteland will either be ammo, parts to build various mechanisms that will help you in your quests, or garbage that can be sold at the store.  Occasionally, you will find weapons, but finding weapons is a muc rarer occurrence than in a game like Borderlands.

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Batman: The Many Faces of Gotham’s Dark Knight

Batman’s first ever appearance in a comic book encapsulated perfectly the
essence of his character.  A dark,
mysterious vigilante, who dressed in a scary costume in order to terrify
criminals.  However, as the 20th century
moved on, later portrayals of The Batman diverged from this premise- sometimes
wildly, sometimes for the better.  There
are a number of different Batmen in different types of media, and the Batman
portrayed in Arkham Asylum (and its upcoming sequel, Arkham City) strikes his
own distinct note.

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Fallout Mods You Must Play

After hundreds of hours of roaming the Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3, and the irradiated Mojave of Fallout: New Vegas, I had become a master at building perfectly efficient characters, and knew multiple ways to accomplish every quest.  The endless stretches of the wastelands has lost their wonder.  Fortunately, I wasn’t the only person who felt that I’d done everything there was to do in these games.  There is a massive community of modders out there who’ve spent countless hours adding new missions, features, locations and challenges.  If you choose the best mods out there, and combine them together, both Fallout 3 and New Vegas will offer a whole new world of adventures for even the most footsore wasteland wanderer.

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Duke Nukem Forever DLC Coming Next Week

Hungry for more Duke Nukem Forever?  Okay, are you willing to tolerate more Duke Nukem Forever?  Alright, perhaps you have an acquaintance who plays this game, and their birthday is next week, and you really don’t know what to get them, would you consider spending ten bucks on the new Duke Nukem DLC “Parody Pack”.

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Even the Japanese Mafia Can’t Keep the Zombies Out

There’s some great news from Sega today for everyone’s favorite
Japanese-culture/Japanese-mafia game series, assuming you love you some
zombies.  Yakuza: Dead Souls, previously known as Yakuza: Of the End,
will be making a western debut next March!  Prepare yourself to face
zombies, mutants, and members of the Yakuza in battle, play Pachislot, a
new minigame for the US release of Yakuza: Dead Souls, and spend your off-time with lovely hostesses.

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Dual Wielding Is for Sissies

The new trailer for The Darkness 2 confirms what shooter fans already know: Duel Wielding is for pansies!  Real men Quad Wield, and the latest gameplay video shows that players in The Darkness 2 will be able to use four weapons as once, AS GOD INTENDED!

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RAGE: Welcome to Jackal Canyon

The sixth and final gameplay trailer for Bethesda and iD Software’s RAGE was released yesterday, showing off seven minutes of footage of an in-game mission. In this video, the player is tasked with recovering a valuable data decrypter from a place called Jackal Canyon, home to a particular clan of bandits.

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