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Players Celebrating Halloween in The Lord of the Rings Online

If Turbine intends to run an official event for Halloween 2011, they are keeping pretty tight-lipped about it. This means that if you are wanting to have any Halloween celebrations, you will have to either do them yourself or  join up with a player-run event.

Luckily, groups on several servers have announced a number of these player-run events. If you play on Crickhollow (or even if you just want to create a character there to join in on the festivities) you can head over to the Abandoned Graveyard at 2 PM EDT on the 28th for some fun. You can join in on a costume parade, a game of hide and seek, and even a storytelling contest. Second Breakfast, the hosting Fellowship, is calling this “Ghosts, Goosebumps, and Graveyard Tales.”

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Join in on the Nights of the Dead EverQuest 2 Halloween Parties

In real life, Halloween lasts just a single day. For those of you wishing it might last a little longer, consider joining in on Halloween EverQuest 2-style. These Nights of the Dead will occur on October 27th and 28th across multiple servers. They are developer-run celebrations, so you can expect more entertainment than your average player-run affair.

Players are invited to show up in their best and most unique Halloween costume. Once at the party, players will be able to try out specialty drinks prepared for the occasion. Party favors will also be made available through vendors. The developers realize that not all players come from the same time zone, or have the same schedule. To ensure that most people get a shot at attending these events, party slots start at times ranging from 8 AM PST to 5 PM PST.

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Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Release Date Announced

The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, featuring HD revamps of five classic Metal Gear titles (Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 and MGS: Peace Walker) has finally been given a concrete release date. February 3rd, 2012 is when the collection will hit your Xbox 360 or PS3 screen, giving gamers who may never have owned a Playstation 2 (an admittedly small group) the chance to experience the greatness of MGS 2 and 3 for the first time and the rest of us the chance to reminisce.

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How Batman Made Me Realize That Superhero Games are Dead

I just finished Batman:
Arkham City
last night, and after completing it, I can easily say that it
is one of the most enjoyable experiences that one can have on a platform.  But throughout my playthrough, I
continually wondered what it is that Arkham
does right that superhero games up to this point haven’t been able to
do.  True, there have been a few
good superhero games that have been released (the Spiderman games of the PS2
era come to mind), but for the most part, many of the releases that were tied
to superheroes were just uninteresting. 
After finishing the game, I started to realize what makes the Batman
games (especially the ones made by Rocksteady) so intriguing.

One of these realizations was the fact that Batman is
essentially just a smart guy that just happens to have cool gadgets and a way
to self fund new ventures.  Because
his powers come from his tools and intellect, Batman lends himself very well to
a progression based game, such as Zelda,
where he can get another weapon in his arsenal at a set period that opens up
much more of the world.  Yet even
when he does have something like the line launcher, he still feels powerful
enough as to where he is fun to play as. 
Also, because he is a regular guy, the dynamics of the game can be much
different.  Throughout Arkham City (and even in Arkham Asylum), the bosses are tough to
beat, but the much more difficult battles are when you find yourself fighting a
group of 12 different guys.  Unlike
someone like Superman, Batman can fairly easily go down to a group of 12 guys
if you do not keep your guards and counters up.  Rocksteady was able to realize that this was the case,
developed accordingly, and made an exciting experience from it.

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Shooters You Should Play Instead of Battlefield 3 – Red Orchestra 2

Battlefield 3 may be seen as more realistic and authentic than any other FPS, at least by today’s “hardcore” gamers, but true FPS fans know that Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad is the most realistic multiplayer shooter this side of Operation Flashpoint.

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Batman: Arkham City Sells 2 Million in its First Week

Since its release on October 18th, Batman: Arkham City has already shipped more copies (4.6 million) worldwide than its predecessor, Batman: Arkham Asylum has sold to date.  According to Warner Bros., the sequel to 2009’s Arkham Asylum has already sold over 2 million copies worldwide. 

Those numbers are sure to increase in a little under a month, as the PC version of Arkham City is set to be released on November 15th in North America, and November 18th in Europe.

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World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Announced

It’s been two years since the last expansion for Blizzard’s massively successful MMORPG, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm was announced. Last weekend during Blizzcon, their yearly convention, they announced the next expansion for the game, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. You can check out the trailer below.

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