1) Shadow of the Colossus & ICO HD Collection
This game was already locked at number one for me the day that it was released. The first time I played Shadow of the Colossus, it was unlike any game that I had ever played before. It was so simple, but at the same time difficult; beautiful,yet sorrowful. Shadow hit me on a level that I had previously never thought possible, and of which has never happened again. Shadow was a groundbreaking game for me, so its spot on my top 10 list was pretty much set. When compiled with ICO at a lower price tag, this collection is one that all PS3 owners should have on their shelves.
2) Skyrim
Chances are that if you are reading this list, then you have already made your opinion on whether or not you are going to be playing Skyrim, but for those who have not played or heard anything about it, Skyrim is a pretty amazing game. Let me preface this by saying that there are still a lot of bugs (as in most all Bethesda games), but there is also an extreme amount of polish from the last Bethesda developed game, Fallout: New Vegas. The sheer depth and scope of everything in TES: V makes it something that you really should experience first hand, and will likely be in the top three of most game websites “Top 10” lists.