Asura’s Wrath: Review
Asura’s Wrath is such an unusually unique experience I don’t know whether to call it more of a game or an interactive anime or even who to really recommend it to.
Asura’s Wrath is such an unusually unique experience I don’t know whether to call it more of a game or an interactive anime or even who to really recommend it to.
Twisted Metal for PlayStation 3 doesn’t reinvent the wheel when it comes to the car combat genre, but it has added some interesting new wrinkles. New gameplay modes and the inclusion of online multiplayer allowed for the men and women of Eat, Sleep, Play to expand level design to much larger scale and the addition of Talon, the helicopter, completely changes the dynamics of team based games. Twisted Metal is the biggest it has ever been and still maintains the gritty, insane feel of the original. It does what it does very well and at the same time… doesn’t. Allow me to explain.
DC Comics’ online MMO game went free-to-play not long ago and has been releasing DLC pack of premium content for online superheroes. The upcoming third pack had a new batch of screenshots unveiled today, giving players a look at how Wonder Woman and the Amazons will fight against Braniac.
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow? “No! ” says the man at Irrational Games, it belongs to the game store.
“When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.” One of the most highly critically acclaimed book series, turned TV series, turned board-game, turned RTS will now be taking a dip in the online massive multiplayer player pool. George R.R. Martin’s, A Song of Ice and Fire series will be transformed into a browser-based, free to play MMO designed by Bigpoint and called (aptly) Game of Thrones.
Ahoy there Playarrr Affinity readers! This week we got our hooks on the upcomin’ pirate game Risen 2: Dark Waters. So tighten yer mainsails as we be explorin’ this swashbucklin’ high-seas adventure!
HBO Go, the popular streaming application from Home Box Office, will soon be making an appearance over Xbox Live. At an HBO event last night, company co-president Eric Kessler made the announcement that the app would be available come April 1st. This could be an elaborate April Fools prank, but I think not.