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Street Fighter X Tekken Review

It was never really a question if a cross over game between Street Fighter and Tekken would come out, it was more a question of when.  Luckily for fans of both of these series, that date was ComicCon 2010, and just a little over two weeks ago, the game released to the public.  My personal opinion about this game is that I think that it is an absolutely outstanding game with strong mechanics and a very large roster, yet there are a few things that seem to hold the game back from changing the gaming sphere the way that Street Fighter IV did in 2009.  The fact of the matter is that the Capcom formula of releasing big name titles (especially fighting games) repeatedly, and also making small changes only to essentially re-release the same game months later, is starting to grow stale.  At this point, we get into a discussion of who Capcom is catering towards, the general population, or the fighting game community?  While the general populous have reacted a certain way towards Street Fighter X Tekken, if you look at any FGC (Fighting Game Community) stream on TwitchTV, you will see that the praises for SFxT are enormous.  But regardless, coming from someone who is relatively good at fighting games and really drew close to the community after the release of SFIV, I will say that Street Fighter X Tekken is a very good game that I believe has the potential to become one of the first games where a tag team option is relatively reasonable, yet the single player mode is still incredibly deep.

The gameplay in Street Fighter X Tekken is a bit of a meld between traditional Street Fighter games (where there are 3 punches and three kicks), and the Marvel Vs. Capcom series (where if you press light, medium, heavy, launcher, you will launch your opponent into the air and can tag in your partner (it auto tags them in, in SFxT)).  This makes combos fairly easy, as you can actually switch between punches and kicks to combo as well.  What I mean by this is that if you press light punch, medium punch, heavy punch, heavy punch in succession, you will launch your opponent into the air (assuming they do not block), and your tag team partner will rush in, which you can use to increase your combo.  In addition, you could do light punch, medium punch, heavy kick, heavy kick, and that would launch your opponent as well, because it is the same series of light, medium, heavy, heavy (it does not matter if you use punch or kick).  You can also do a launcher by pressing heavy punch and heavy kick at the same time, and the reason that I say this is because, for the most part, you will need to learn how to effectively tag in your partner, because if you don’t, you may find yourself losing a lot of matches that should have been won.  If you cannot get a launcher, you can press medium punch and medium kick at the same time to do a “raw tag”, but if your opponent is good, they will be able to combo the tagged in character, as there is a lot of startup on a raw tag.

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Should Designers Let Players Choose Who Lives And Who Dies?

Video games like Mass Effect 3 and Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City let players choose which characters live and die.  Should game designers allow this much player choice, or maintain complete artistic integrity?

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RetakeME3 Organizer Answers Questions!

To many gamers, Mass Effect is the defining franchise of a generation. With an exciting and varied universe accompanied by the real characters that grow around you, there is no wonder that the final iteration of this space opera was at the top of the wish lists this year for millions of people.Unfortunately after the release of Mass Effect 3 many gamers felt not only dissatisfied, but cheated after a conclusion to an overall wonderful experience was quick, confusing and didn’t allow players to have the same level of ‘choice’ the Mass Effect franchise is famous for.

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Game of Thrones Preview

I think that it is apt to say that George R.R. Martin is in a pretty safe place financially.  Once his books were made into an HBO series (that has done quite well), his popularity skyrocketed, and now, with the release of the video game coming quite soon, Martin has reason to like how the near future looks.  The coverage for Game of Thrones has been a bit spotty, but from what I have seen, it looks (stylistically) like something like Dragon Age: Origins, but the gameplay system seems to remind me of something like Call of Duty (not in the fact that it is a first person shooter, but in the fact that there are multiple characters that are already set that you may or may not alternate between).  From the information that I have heard, there are two playable characters, one from the Night’s Watch (who will most likely be a warrior/tank), and one character who is a Red Priest, which will most likely be a rouge/mage type of character.  There will be two people from the television series that will reprise their roles in the game, yet they are characters that may not be as big as people may want.  The first of the two that will make an appearance is James Cosmo, who plays Jeor Mormont, the leader of the Night’s Watch.  His role in the first season was fairly light, but I would guess that he would serve as one of the main quest givers for the Night Watch character that you will be playing as.  For the other reprieved role, Conleth Hill will be voicing Varys, who was the eunuch aid to the King.  Varys had a bit of a larger role in the show, but for the most part, was a tertiary character.  With this being said, it will be nice to have some characters voiced by the actors that actually play them.

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Real Mass Effect 3 Ending Coming in April?

Bioware spent the last seven years crafting one of the greatest stories in gaming history, providing hundreds of hours of entertainment to their many fans.  What’s their reward for expressing themselves through this work of art?  OUTRAGE!  Fans are furious over the game’s ending and have started online petitions, charity groups, and Facebook pages.  They’ve done everything short of camping out in front of Bioware’s office in an Occupy Citadel rally.  Today Bioware’s co-founder, Ray Muzyka responded to the angry horde.

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BBC Coming To Xbox Live – But Not For Yanks

A solemn, dignified smattering of applause quietly and politely spread through the UK today when the BBC declared that it will make its “programmes” available for free to all Xbox 360 users in the UK.

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First DLC Pack for Kingdoms of Amalur Available

While The Reckoning: Kingdoms of Amalur failed to make a gigantic impac on the Action RPG market, it was still a great game.  Now fans have an excuse to weave a new fate in the game with an expansion pack called The Legend of Dead Kel.

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