Nintendo TVii Comes Out Tomorrow
Despite not making launch day, Nintendo has announced that the TVii services for the Wii U will be launched tomorrow.
Despite not making launch day, Nintendo has announced that the TVii services for the Wii U will be launched tomorrow.
Aren’t we all just counting down the days until BioShock Infinite at this point? While the delay may have fans in an uproar, that didn’t stop Irrational Games from trying to calm down the masses by releasing the first five minutes of the highly anticipated game today.
Only a handful of games this year had tons of downloadable content that kept players going months after their original release. Entertainment Fuse shares their picks of games that had the best post-release DLC support.
Another franchise tackles multiplayer for the first time. Is God of War: Ascension’s multiplayer beta enough fun to silence the critics and other skeptical of this new direction?
Assassins Creed developer Ubisoft releases a new fan kit including wallpapers, profile photos and cover images for a wide variety of social networks.
4J Studios has released a list of content changes coming in the next Minecraft Xbox 360 update
Even though both hosts are having fun with Far Cry 3, they both go over their few gripes with the game including world breaking glitches, repetitive mission design, and level design that occasionally doesn’t work with the gameplay. Last week’s news is also covered including the recent developments on Valve’s new “console” and who is it aimed at.