Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Details Surface
Capcom has unveiled some info on the recently dated Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate. Details consist of a day 1 patch, an early demo and the fate of Monster Hunter 3 on Wii.
Capcom has unveiled some info on the recently dated Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate. Details consist of a day 1 patch, an early demo and the fate of Monster Hunter 3 on Wii.
Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel has a new trailer showcasing the game’s new mode titled “Overkill.”
Nintendo has detailed a release schedule for upcoming Wii U and 3DS games including firm release dates on Lego City: Undercover, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon.
The highly requested Wii JRPG finally gets a stateside release thanks to publisher XSeed.
As we look into 2013, will we see a decline in PC gaming if next gen consoles are released?
Killer is Dead officially announced for this Summer by Grasshopper as new details emerge.
Splinter Cell Blacklist officially moves into the August release window.