Playstation 4’s European Release Date Unveiled?
An online Dutch retailer and a store in Amsterdam have both been spotted as advertising the same PS4 release date, which they have both penned for November 13th this year.
An online Dutch retailer and a store in Amsterdam have both been spotted as advertising the same PS4 release date, which they have both penned for November 13th this year.
Chris and Kelly Brown from The Married Gamers join us this week for an impromptu podcast. With Microsoft making some huge changes to their console we all weigh in… some of us feel relieved and others liked the past rules better. We also discuss if the Kinect is a privacy problem or not.
E3 ended last week and whilst some industry giants came out of it as winners, others failed to impress. We looked at the big companies in the gaming world who attended this year’s E3 and compiled a top three disappointment list out of them all.
Now that Microsoft has reversed their Xbox Live policies regarding DRM and used games, what does all of this mean for both the short and long term?
How does each of the big four shooters of E3 2013 offer something different to the FPS table? (CoD’s dog, BF4’s Commander mode returning, Destiny & Titanfall’s MPonly approaches)
After last week’s E3, the online multiplayer landscape is making some big changes for the next generation of consoles with new trends.
Microsoft finally ends the debate on always on connections, DRM restrictions, and used games as they are backtracking on everything regarding the Xbox One’s policies.