Chuck: Chuck vs. the Final Exam
Chuck is sent on his “Final Exam” as a spy. First to ID a traitor and then to kill him. Sarah and he are going to be split up. Casey is trying to adapt to life as a civilian. Big Mike has taken him under his wing, but not being a spy is hard to do.
These days Mondays are one of the few days of the week I actually watch what is on when it is playing. Chuck is one of those shows that makes that happen. I am a little disappointed with the direction the show has taken the last few weeks, but I have to say the acting is still great and we’ve been through these rough patches before a number of times.
The constant battle to break Chuck and Sarah up has been complicated by the situation with Casey. Now this well oiled machine is down to one wheel and it seems that it is about to fall off. It is interesting to see where the characters have gotten after all of these years. Unless something really drastic is occurring to shake things up we’ll see how things work themselves out in the end. Let’s face it, they had an opportunity to break Chuck and Sarah up for good with Hannah, but they choose not too. So you’d have to think there is a different direction they are taking us.
The acting was great as always, but the climax was predictable to this weeks story. Enough said if you haven’t seen it. They set it all up pretty cut and dried. I do wonder why they keep intimating that there is something going on with Sarah and Daniel as there is no chemistry there and the fans would revolt over that move.
I enjoyed the Subway sandwich shop meeting. It’s nice to see them get a little promotion from Chuck and visa versa.
I’m looking forward to next weeks Chuck to see where they will take some of my favorite TV characters. What will be revealed and how will it be? That’s is the question. Thanks for reading…
Jeffery Yarter