Somewhere in between the atrocious reality shows, talent shows and the new drama and comedies being created to fill the gap between this television season and the next, there are shows that stand out and remind us how fun television can be. “The Good Guys” takes the best elements of action movies and television shows, such as “Burn Notice” and any buddy cop movie (I’m thinking primarily of Lethal Weapon), and runs with it. The show may have its flaws and has a long uphill battle in the ratings department, but it’s undoubtedly fun and deserves to stick around for awhile. The show went on a temporary hiatus for a few weeks following its series premiere, and it returned tonight with “Bait and Switch,” and just like the pilot episode, it was filled with its typical adrenaline-laced action sequences, explosions, car chases and Dan Stark-isms that are quickly becoming some of the best quotes on television.
“Bait and Switch” followed the same format that the pilot did. Jack Bailey and Dan Stark investigate a minor crime in the form of broken windows and streetlights and are somehow lead to a major stolen car ring run by a couple of British guys, one of them being Nigel, who, despite his menacing attitude, is plagued by jealousy. One minute, he’s threatening to kill somebody and the next, he’s whining and pleading through the telephone to his girlfriend, worried that she’s cheating on him. These men are attempting to bring a number of stolen vintage American vehicles back to England and are attempting to find somebody to do the job for them. Jack and Dan realize that there are an abnormal amount of vintage American cars being stolen in the neighborhood of the vandalized windows and street lamps and begin investigating. Soon enough, they learn about Nigel and the stolen cars and try to take him down. However, a slew of firearms, moles, explosions and redneck patriots stand in their way.