Turn off the Lights

True Blood – You’ll Be The Death of Me

The killer is revealed and dealt with by Sookie, Sam, and Bill. Tara is now living with Mary-Ann who seems to be an acquaintance of Sam's from his past. Jason is let out of jail and finds a new calling. Lafayette disappears.

Nicely done final episode and set up for next season. The killer story for the first season is wrapped up in a nice package with Sookie finally doing the deed with help from Sam and Bill. Sam helps Sookie keep Bill alive when he is burned really bad coming out in the daytime to assist her when she was in danger. It was a combination of the three of them who stopped Renee in the end.

Sam, Tara, and Lafayette are all there to comfort Sookie after the ordeal and we are wondering if Bill will really be OK. Jason is released from prison but not before Ori Dawson from a religious organization meets with him and tries to recruit him.

We see Lafayette attacked but not who did it and then he disappears and no one hears from him. You are led to believe it is Bill who did it, but who knows for sure until or if it is revealed.

Eric and his assistant drop Jessica off with Bill after their failed attempt to control her. It seems she is now Bill's problem which could be quite bothersome going forward.

The season ends with a body being found in the back of Detectives Bellefleur's car. I can't wait for next season. Should be fun!

Thanks for reading...

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman


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