In the event that you are considering going to sleep and setting your alarm for when Transformers: Dark of the Moon comes out, consider this a public service announcement. Michael Bay's third foray into mechanical mayhem will move up from its July 1 release date to June 29. Yup, just two days, but a big two days.
Deadline has learned that the move stems from the confidence that Paramount has in its summer tentpole due to early buzz indicating the film is much better than the last and the 3-D effects work is impressive. The move is a common one for Fourth of July weekend films: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse did it last year and the previous two "Transformers" films have also been moved into middle-of-the-week slots.
In terms of competition, "Dark of the Moon" was already very well-placed: Cars 2 comes out the weekend prior, which does borrow some of the boys who will want to see the film thanks to the connection to the Hasbro toys, but largely does not share that demographic, and the July 8 weekend has two comedies due out in Zookeeper and Horrible Bosses. Not until "Harry Potter" on July 15 will it face direct competition from an action film, so the June 29 date gives it a couple extra days to clean house.