Turn off the Lights

Torchlight Making Its Way To Consoles

If you were a diehard Diablo fan and have a Steam account you probably already know about Torchlight, a game with a simple concept, but a lot of charm and nostalgia.  I had the chance to play it at a friend’s house and while its gameplay is nothing new it still has that addictive feel about it, to make your character stronger and look more bad ass.  Something that anyone who has played World of Warcraft before can tell you is a combination that can lead to hours upon hours of game time.  So it’s no shock that they did so well, not to mention the fact it was only $20, and now they want to share the love and bring it to both the PSN and Xbox Live Arcade. 

Runic Games, the developer behind this game, seem to be very excited about the console version saying that “There’s a lot of really cool things about the console world, too, that would work well with our game…”  We’re not sure exactly what they mean by that but it sounds like they have a plan to work something into their game that works well with both the Xbox and Playstation.  I always enjoy hearing excitement out of a developer for their product going multi-platform.  It shows that they’ll put the work to make sure the game runs smoothly instead of just throwing out a copy as quickly as they can.

If you never played Torchlight this is your chance to get your hands on a really great game, and if you already played it then get ready to play the sequel coming out 2nd quarter of 2011.


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