Us PC Gamers are all feeing a bit spoiled right now. Last week all the online stores had a bunch of great sales, and our hard drives are now bloated like vampire bats, gorged on our feast of succulent horror games. Yet, just when we’re ready to pop like ticks, along comes a new weekend of downloadable treats for us to sink our fangs into. has five games from the Grand Theft Auto franchise marked down by 75%. It’s the Original GTA, along with 2, III, Vice City and San Andreas. Why any self-respecting gamer doesn’t already own these is beyond me, but you can get all of them as a collection for $7.49.
Also, as of this writing, Steam is still honoring their midweek sale on Theatre of War and Trine. Act fast! has six unappealing games on their list of weekend “Impulse Buys”. You can get Darkfall for $7.49, or you can rule the stars in the aptly-named Star Ruler for 20% off at $19.99. There are four other games available for various price breaks, if you’re feeling Impulsive.
Direct2Drive hasn’t announced their weekend sale yet, but they have set up a contest on Facebook which will give you a chance to win 5 games from them. But not just five games…but five “ULTIMATE” games!
Finally, Games For Windows Live is selling Resident Evil 5 for what they call half off at $24.99, even though every other online store was selling it for $14.99 last week. A sale on a zombie game, guys? Come on, that is sooo last week!