As we enter the first weekend of 2011, the new year is off to an unpromising start in terms of online game sales. The worst sale of the week has to be who are offering a sale on Where’s Waldo The Fantastic Journey. If, for some reason, you wish to purchase it, it’s 75% off, which makes it $3.75. Lucky us, it’s on sale all week. has a better offering- every MMO is 20% off if you enter the code “Joker” at checkout. Yes, that code will work on pre-orders of DCU: Online which comes out next week. D2d is also selling several games by the publisher Kalypso for 75% off for their Kalypso Week. has many games still on sale from their holiday extravaganza, but they’re also holding a sale on the Arma franchise. You can get most of the games in this hardcore military sim/ shooter series for 50-75% off. That includes the expansion packs and gold editions. is back to their usual Weekend Impulse Buys. This week, you can get the Full Spectrum Warrior Complete Pack for half off at $9.99, which ain’t bad, especially if you like realistic modern strategy games. There are a few others on sale as well, but Full Spectrum is definitely the best of the lot.Because there aren’t any really good deals going on today, I’m going to award the honor of BEST DEAL OF THE DAY to a random game with a silly title. Congratulations to the developers of A Man With A Monocle. I haven’t played this game, but it’s only four dollars on and the title amuses me.