THQ and CryTek Collaborate on Next Homefront
Homefront, an
original first-person shooter from Kaos Studios and THQ, was a game which did
many things right. Original
premise? Check. Alternative near-future? Check.
More thoughtful gameplay than the usual charge-in-all-guns-blazing
approach? Check. While the game didn’t reach the lofty sales
margins of similar shooters such as
Call of Duty, it garnered positive
reviews and spurred THQ into announcing that a sequel was in the works.

Here’s where it gets interesting: THQ announced yesterday
that the developers taking up the
Homefront reins for the sequel would
be none other than CryTek, developers of the highly-acclaimed
series. Considering how strong the
premise of
Homefront was and the technological wizardry and experience that
CryTek boasts, it looks as though
Homefront 2 could tick all the boxes
that made the first game a success while answering any criticisms that were
leveled at its graphical accomplishments and the length of its single player

“We see
Homefront as a really strong universe that has a lot of potential and that has
been expertly created and marketed by THQ," said Cevat Yerli, Founder, CEO
and President of Crytek. “It's really important to us that THQ has the
faith in giving us a lot of creative freedom over one of its most important
properties to allow us to bring the
Homefront world to life in a new and innovative way.” If they can do with
Homefront what they did with
Crysis, it looks like we might have another very strong contender for the FPS crown.