This week, Nintendo released 4 titles on DSiWare called X-Scape, Hero of Sparta, A Topsy Turvy Life: The Turvys Strike Back, and Telegraph Sudoku & Kakuro. Here's a brief description of each title, courtesy of Joystiq:
X-Scape (Nintendo, 1 player, 800 DSi Points): You're suddenly awakened from 10 years of deep cryosleep to find yourself engaged in battle against an evil empire in this 3D shooter. Man, if only we had a dollar for every time that happened to us!
Hero of Sparta (Gameloft, 1 player, 800 DSi Points): As the titular hero, King Argos, you're on a hunt for your missing crew after you regain consciousness on a foreign beach.
A Topsy Turvy Life: The Turvys Strike Back (Tecmo Koei Games, 1 - 2 players, 200 DSi Points): Play as the enemy force in this stylus-driven shmup from Tecmo Koei. It features a variety of ships and weapons to choose from. Two players can even play via one system. Sharing is caring!
Telegraph Sudoku & Kakuro (Sanuk Games, 1 player, 200 DSi Points): This features 500 puzzles from the Telegraph, including classic Sudoku, Mini-Sudoku, Sudoku-X, Jigsaw Sudoku and Kakuro.
I dunno about you, but I can't wait to see how the Turvys strike back. Rumor has it that Turvy is Topsy's father. The urge to buy a DSi and download the game to unravel the intricate story is killing me.
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