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The Walking Dead Episode 5: No Time Left Comes Out Next Week for PSN, XBLA, & PC

TellTale Games has announced the release dates for the first season finale of their Walking Dead series. Episode 5: No Time Left will be released this Tuesday on Playstation Network and a day later on Xbox Live Arcade, PC, Mac, and iOS devices. The series has been pretty successful so far with the four episodes released so far and this fifth episode looks to end this first season with a bang especially if you knew what happened at the end of Episode 4.

If you're waiting for the full game to be released at retailers, you're in luck with the standard and collector's editions that are coming out on December 4th. The collector's edition contains the five episodes, a special edition cover by Charlie Adlard, and The Walking Dead Compendium One (Books 1-48) for just $70.

The Walking Dead Episode 5: No Time Left comes out this Tuesday on Playstation Network and Wednesday on Xbox Live Arcade, PC, Mac, and iOS devices. Expect my review of this season finale sometime after its release here on Entertainment Fuse.


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