The Old Republic Gets New Content, A Free-To-Play Trial. But Is It Enough?
Bioware announced during the E3 Press Conference today that,
Star Wars The Old Republic will getting more
end game content, improved
online mechanics, and will introduce a
free-to-play feature for new players from levels 1-15. Some of the new features for the waning MMO include, the introduction of new PVP war zones, new playable species, and the much needed addition of another companion, aptly named
HK-51, a long lost relative to a sadistic yet comical robot that fans may remember from the original franchise. This particular companion was already discovered in the BETA version of the game and in true Bioware form
, was not included in the initial release. All of these new features are expected within the next few months.
The biggest news is Bioware adopting a similar payment structure as World of Warcraft, offering new players the opportunity to level up their character from 1-15. As someone who has logged in hundreds of hours into the Star Wars MMO, it seems like a foolish strategy to try and entice new players into this. The overall experience of the game is enjoyable, but now they're showcasing the utterly dull and repetitive nature of levels 1 to even 20. Everything from your individual powers to the overall narrative is in such a state of infancy at that point and does not appropriately represent what The Old Republic has to offer in an online experience.
Do you think this is a cash grab by Bioware to help a failing IP or a genius marketing strategy? Comment Below!