The Blight of a One Handed Gamer
I still remember the first game
that I ever played. While Donkey Kong Land on the Gameboy Pocket was not
necessarily the greatest game, and I specifically remember not being able to
get past the 6th level, at the time it was unlike anything I had ever
experienced before. The world was exotic (for my 7 year old eyes), the
characters likeable, but most of all, I could easily play the game without
using my right hand.
I have a disability called Cerebral
Palsy, which if you don’t know, impairs motor
function. From what I have been
told, my cerebral palsy was onset by a prenatal stroke, and left me with the
ability to only use the left side of my body (I can use the right side, but it
is very impaired). Because of this
impairment, I have needed to adapt to a different way of holding the
controller using only my left hand.
Luckily (for me), up until 2006, this had not been a problem. For the most part, almost every
controller that I had played on until the Wii was released in 2006 followed the
similar “horizontal brick” design.
Because of this, it was easy to sprawl my fingers across the front of
the controller and be able to succeed with relative ease. In fact, many of my video game endeavors
proceeded with me holding the controller something like this:

the introduction of the Wii, my world of gaming took a change for the
strange. Where I had been able to
flourish in years past, I was stopped by the Wii’s use of both a Wii Remote and
a nunchuck. Then, the inevitable happened and disaster struck; the Wii became extremely
popular. Luckily for me, many of
the first party Wii titles (the games that I wanted to play most), were either
GameCube controller compatible or Wii Remote-only compatible, so playing many
of these games became easier as time went on. The amazing reception to the Wii came with a price though. Microsoft and Sony started looking at
their consoles and seeing how they could introduce motion control. Playstation opted with a similar
configuration to the Wii mote and nunchuck in the Playstation Move, and all I
can say about that is that I am lucky that they haven’t really produced any big
budget PSMove titles, because it would probably require two controllers, which
would make it near impossible for me to play. The last of the motion control boom was a bit of a departure
from the others, the Microsoft Kinect.
I have to admit that I have only played a few rounds of Kinect
Adventures on a friend’s Xbox, but the problem with the Kinect is that I cannot
really bend my arm past a 120-degree angle. Two of the biggest games that I was looking forward to on
Kinect were Your Shape Fitness and Dance Central, but since I am unable to
really move my right arm, the barrier for entry seems a bit too daunting.
So please Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, keep the motion gaming at the peripheral market; I know that disabled gamers across the world will thank you.