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Carnival Row (Spoiler-Free) Review
August 29, 2019 | TV Reviews
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Fall Network TV Preview: DRAMAS
August 17, 2019 | TV Features
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BH90210 Pilot Review (Warning-Spoilers!)
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Veronica Mars Season Four (Spoiler-Free) Review
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July 17, 2019 | TV News


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V – We Can’t Win

‘We can’t win’ opens with Chad Decker in a towel. Not my favourite way to start an evening, but half naked men seem to have a way of surprising me when I least expect it. Quickly it becomes apparent that what we are experiencing is merely a dream sequence. Anna appears on screen and proceeds to seduce the still semi-naked Chad and then throttle him. Not the most subtle insight into a character’s mind, but effective nonetheless.

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Justified – The Lord of War and Thunder

Raylan returns to Harlan County to bail his estranged father out of jail.  His “Aunt” Helen and his father are having a feud with a gentlemen named Perkins who is renting Helen’s old home in town.  There seems to be bad blood between them because of the rent, but something completely different is going on.

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South Park – The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs

The boys decide to write their own really gross book after reading “Catch in the Rye” a once banned book in schools. When they think that they are going to get in trouble they blame it all on a gullible Butters who ends up a big hit nationwide.

What a wonderful episode! The boys plan sort of backfired and Butter’s became the big cheese as you might say. It was great to see Butter’s be the winner for once.

Scrotie McBoogerballs!!! What I really loved was all the ideas people got supposedly from the book. Basically after reading the bad book they gave it all sort of alliteration. The arguments were great. Then when Butters wrote the second book. That was even more fun. Especially when the boys supposed that he would be revealed!

It really seems that the creators are willing to get more and more outrageous and I for one enjoyed this episode a great deal. Great job guys! Thanks for reading…

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman

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South Park – Medicinal Fried Chicken

Taking from current affairs, Cartman gets involved with an illegal KFC smuggling ring ala Scarface and Randy finds out that he can get medicinal pot so he gives himself testicular cancer. Both over reactions to different social problems.

It’s even funnier how they manage to tie them together. The old KFC is now the medicinal marijuana store and Randy finds out about it from taking the boys for KFC. It turns out that the state of Colorado has banned KFC for it being bad for people because of the trans fats. We get to meet Colonel Sanders who of course is dead, but in this reenactment he is the Columbia Drug Kingpin and Cartman is Tony Montana. They even kill the kid with Cartman just like in the movie for being a snitch.

Randy spends his time trying to figure out to get cancer so he can get legal pot! He irradiates his testicles and ends up with huge ones that are cancer laden-ed. Causing half the men in town to do the same thing. They also come up with some very strange conclusions about this subject as well!?!

In the end somehow they relate the two which is unbelievable but very South Park. A fun time was had by all! Thanks for reading…

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman

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South Park – You Have 0 Friends

Stan is forced to get a Facebook page despite not wanting one. Of course it grows a mind of its own and forces him to action. Kyle befriends a boy with no friends on Facebook and loses all of his friends causing a dilemma for him as well.

Truly solid mockery of sites even like this one we belong too. The socialization of America and the world! It’s funny and like most subjects the boys deal with it is spot on!

A number of brilliant pieces to this puzzle. The subtle use of Cartman’s show which is a rip off of the gentlemen who does the very same thing on one of the business channels. The Tron theme for the User versus Profiles piece of the story. The outcast who Kyle befriends which turns him into an outcast.

Now personally I don’t use Facebook. I have a page that someone did for me just like Stan. In a humorous side note, I got 27 friend invites today alone. I don’t even use it and I’m getting that kind of response! Poor Stan gets guilt-ed by his Father and Grandmother of all people besides others, some of which are complete strangers on the street. I have to say it amazes me the number of invites and friend requests I get and the huge number of people I don’t have the slightest idea who they are. So it seems this experience Stan is having is quite real in today’s times. Poor Kyle. He tries to do the right thing and it backfires on him. He even goes to Cartman for advice and of course you saw where that got him!

So the writers and creators of South Park hit the mark again. Excellent depiction of the current trends and a great storyline too boot. This season has sizzled except for one episode. Keep up the good work. Thanks for reading…

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman

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Chuck: Chuck vs. the Other Guy

Finally a show that’s got the guts to follow through on its promised relationship. It took it two and a half seasons, but the storyline was going downhill fast before this. OK, we knew Casey would be back. We knew Sarah wasn’t going with Shaw. I think anyone really hooked on the show knew that this was an eventuality. The other twists were finally quite good even though they may have drawn it out too long.

I’m fine with this as long as they don’t keep wimping out back and forth. Now we can move forward with the action and romance at the same time. Casey’s back with a vengeance and the comedic level of things just went up about 10% with the inclusion of Morgan. We can see the whole cast back in action again. It looks like we’re going to see a trip to Africa in our hero’s futures as well.

What a wonderful episode full of twists and turns. Just when you thought they had lost it, BAM! they bring you back in. Hopefully the three week layoff will not hurt the show and enough people hung on for word of mouth to bring people back to the show.

I never liked the Shaw character. He reminded me too much of the Matt Bomer character who was Sarah’s old partner and Chuck’s friend from college. Sort of a distraction to keep you from the real story and what is going on. A true catalyst if you’ve ever seen one. Let’s hope this brings those casual viewers back to watch Chuck and keep it on for another season.

Now let’s see if shows like Bones or Castle ever have the guts to do this as well. Of course neither of those shows are really bubble shows, but you can hope they eventually will get their people together for real. After everything they go through, they and we deserve it! Thanks for reading…

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Chuck: Chuck vs. the Final Exam

Chuck is sent on his “Final Exam” as a spy. First to ID a traitor and then to kill him. Sarah and he are going to be split up. Casey is trying to adapt to life as a civilian. Big Mike has taken him under his wing, but not being a spy is hard to do.

These days Mondays are one of the few days of the week I actually watch what is on when it is playing. Chuck is one of those shows that makes that happen. I am a little disappointed with the direction the show has taken the last few weeks, but I have to say the acting is still great and we’ve been through these rough patches before a number of times.

The constant battle to break Chuck and Sarah up has been complicated by the situation with Casey. Now this well oiled machine is down to one wheel and it seems that it is about to fall off. It is interesting to see where the characters have gotten after all of these years. Unless something really drastic is occurring to shake things up we’ll see how things work themselves out in the end. Let’s face it, they had an opportunity to break Chuck and Sarah up for good with Hannah, but they choose not too. So you’d have to think there is a different direction they are taking us.

The acting was great as always, but the climax was predictable to this weeks story. Enough said if you haven’t seen it. They set it all up pretty cut and dried. I do wonder why they keep intimating that there is something going on with Sarah and Daniel as there is no chemistry there and the fans would revolt over that move.

I enjoyed the Subway sandwich shop meeting. It’s nice to see them get a little promotion from Chuck and visa versa.

I’m looking forward to next weeks Chuck to see where they will take some of my favorite TV characters. What will be revealed and how will it be? That’s is the question. Thanks for reading…

Jeffery Yarter

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