The Good Guys – The Broken Door Theory
Dan Stark is quickly becoming one of television’s most entertaining characters. He lives his life according to his own rules and doesn’t let himself fall into the abyss of cliches that constitute most cop procedurals. He’s interesting in that he and his partner catch bad guys even though his method of stopping crime may seem a bit outdated. If you take his rapid-fire personality, the flirting, his mustache, his shades, and his quirky non-sequiturs, you get one hell of a unique cop. Tonight, he was the star of “The Broken Door Theory,” the best episode of “The Good Guys” to date. The show has been shaky in its first couple of episodes, but thankfully the cast seems to be meshing a little better. If the writers can work out the rest of the kinks in the show, “The Good Guys” may actually become a great show. However, not even the anomaly that is Dan Stark and the goofy action scenes can save the show from sometimes sticking too closely to its own format.