Bob’s Burgers – Sacred Cow
It’s a very special day at Bob’s Burgers as Bob is on track to cook his 100,000 burger. He has the kids join him in the freezer to make the special announcement and display the meat that will be used. After Bob’s announcement the kids each take turns going around the room making announcements of their own. Tina starts them off by announcing that her bra is chaffing her followed by Gene’s declaration of his love of house music. Louise announces that she’s finally getting her gun license; this is followed by a genuine congrats from Tina and Gene’s disgust by the fact that she had to wait three days to get it. Linda ends the banter when she busts out the banner that they had printed from their “old computer”. The gag is that it’s from a dot-matrix printer and has the dotted edges that still need to be torn off. She finishes by saying that they should have hit 100,000 a long time ago, but were way off.