Parks and Recreation – Eagleton
3 of Parks and Recreation continued this week with an episode that had just about
everything; some brilliant comedic scenes, a couple of endearing
moments, and even a Bizzaro Pawnee. While it might not be an episode
that’s well remembered years from now (they can’t all be), Eagleton
still brought the funny like only Parks and Recreation
to use the cold open to setup one of the episode’s two story-lines,
versus just doing a one-off joke, they sacrificed some comedy. Ron’s
date of birth, which he worked so hard to keep hidden was
discovered by his inability to pass up a free scoop of ice cream. Ron, being the epitome of all things manly,
hates having his “friends” gathered around him, and his fear of
what Leslie would do with the information comes to fruition as he’s
tortured with her plans for an extravagant party. Ron is always an
excellent source of comedy and watching him angrily count the days to
his inevitable birthday bash was no exception.
The bristly attitude that never seems to soften for long was
present, but what really provided the laughs was seeing Ron behave
like a caged animal, becoming ever more fearful of what Leslie had
planned for him (“Leslie has
a lot of qualities I find horrifying, but the worst one by far is how
thoughtful she can be“).
An especially impressive feat for Leslie considering she was too
preoccupied with the episode’s other storyline to personally oversee
his misery.