Parks and Recreation Casts Patricia Clarkson as Tammy 1
The critically acclaimed comedy from
NBC announced recently that Oscar nominated actress, Patricia
Clarkson will be coming on to play Ron Swanson’s first ex-wife, Tammy
1. The character earned her moniker for having the same name as
Ron’s second ex-wife. Though the names are the same, Executive
Producer Michael Schur has insured that the new character won’t be a
clone of Ron’s other ex; “…all we knew is that we didn’t want
to do the same thing we did with Tammy 2.”
The reveal that Ron’s first ex would be
joining the show came at the end of the third season, and inspired a
slew of suggestions and speculation as to who would fill the role.
Oprah, Glenn Close, and even Nick Offerman himself, were among the
names tossed around as potential candidates. In the end it would be
Clarkson that earned the gig though. Too bad, as not putting
Offerman in drag seems like a missed opportunity.