Parks and Recreation – Pawnee Rangers
Parks and Recreation returned
this week with an installment focused on Pawnee’s youth, and why Ron
Swanson hates most of them. “Pawnee Rangers” saw some of the
staff heading out to get in touch with nature, while others were
getting in touch with self-indulgence, and one was just touching his
coworker’s daughter. Definitely one of the best episodes fans have
received this season, the few dry spots were outweighed by some
outrageously funny moments.
the opening minutes of “Pawnee Rangers” P&R
showed off it’s skill for using the cold open to both draw laughs and
set up the episode’s storyline. The introduction to the Pawnee
Rangers and Goddesses, who just couldn’t have been run by anyone
except Ron and Leslie respectively, let us know what we were in for
during their annual “Wilderness Weekend.” While Andy – sorry,
Brother Nature – provided some early humor, as did Leslie by
mocking Ron with her southern belle character, Annabelle Vandergraff.
Of course, Amy Poehler’s incredible ability to pull off any role she
takes on is what really sold the moment.