Parks and Recreation – Doppelgangers Review: A Promising Premise Lacks Growth
Leslie doesn’t take to hearing about Ann’s potential departure very well, while City Hall crawls with doppelgangers as Pawnee continues to merge with Eagleton.
Leslie doesn’t take to hearing about Ann’s potential departure very well, while City Hall crawls with doppelgangers as Pawnee continues to merge with Eagleton.
The third season of American Horror story started off with a bang; “Bitchcraft” featured featuring loads of sex, mystery, and gore.
Episode 3 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., “The Asset,” is a so-so episode, but the show needs higher stakes for its characters.
Nielsen unveiled a new ratings system that may one day replace the decades old system of counting real-time viewers: Twitter popularity. While CBS juggernaut NCIS topped the weekly television ratings as usual, the new Twitter popularity ratings saw AMC’s Breaking Bad series finale take the top spot.
A Dexter producer has said that Showtime forbid the series from killing off the series’ main character in the finale. Perhaps this was a poor decision, as the series’ ending has angered fans and tarnished the lasting reputation of the series.
In the aftermath of Saul’s appearance in front of Congress, Carrie spirals even further landing her in an extremely unwanted situation.The second episode of the Showtime drama provides a wealth of great performances even though the storylines are generally lacking.
In another standout episode, Korra goes to the president of Republic City to rally troops for the war, Mako makes an interesting discovery, and Bolin becomes a star!