It seems as if the plot of Zack Snyder’s Superman: Man of Steel has been revealed. According to What’s Playing, the film, which is being produced by Christopher Nolan, will focus on Clark Kent’s escapades as “a young journalist, traveling for the globe, who would rather solve problems and help people without resorting to using his special powers.” Casting agencies were sent a character breakdown stating that a feud between two West African tribes is the basis of the story. Additionally, Metropolis, Smallville, and West Africa will all be visited by Kent.
It’s shaping up to be a prequel/origin story, which isn’t surprising because this is a reboot after all, and the reboot of a popular saga should be nothing other than some kind of introduction if quality is being sought after. However, the story doesn't appear to lend itself to much high-flying action, which is peculiar because Snyder is known for providing such films in addition to lush and striking visual work. 300, Watchmen, and even the upcoming Sucker Punch immediately come to mind. A reluctant hero doesn't seem to fit that style.Hopefully the director doesn’t resort to senseless explosions and violence without any significance to the story just for the sake of spice things up like a certain Razzie Award winner who directed Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Then again, Snyder is supposedly considering Matthew Goode to play Clark Kent and going all out with CGI technology for the journalist’s alter ego, so who really knows where this project is going?
In other related news, Anne Hathaway has been rumored as a candidate to play leading lady Lois Lane. It should also be noted that she’s being heavily considered for a leading role in The Dark Knight Rises, another DC Comics film. She obviously can’t star in both due to scheduling as the films are set to film at mostly the same time. Filming for Superman: Man of Steel is scheduled to begin next June.