This is the Steam sales report. This is a weekly feature telling you, the reader, how the PC Steam market is doing. So last week Just Cause 2 essentially tripled it's daily sales with a weekend discount of $25. The trend of crazy weekend deals continues this week, with- what's that on the top!?
1. Gratuitous Space Battles Collector's Edition for PC - $6.24 2. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for PC - $29.99 3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Pack for PC - $14.99 4. Worms Reloaded for PC - $17.99 5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for PC - $59.99 6. Left 4 Dead 2 for PC - $29.99 7. Puzzle Quest 2 for PC - $17.99 8. Counter Strike: Source for PC and Mac - $19.99 9. Sim City 4: Deluxe Edition for PC - $19.99 10. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Pack for PC - $14.99
Lots of surprises this week, the foremost being the fact that an independent strategy game is at the top of the list, overcoming a cheaper than ever Bad Company 2! I always thought that Indie games had next to no chance for profit with a few exceptions (Limbo, Super Meat Boy), but this is insane. Maybe independent games can do well... as long as they're sold dirt cheap. That sounds harsh, but it's true. The next surprise was Battlefield: Bad Company 2 lowering from $50 to $30- permanently! Another surprise that didn't sell well was Mass Effect 2. That just went down to $30 on Steam, and the Steam Store has been putting out that fact on the front page, but nobody's buying it. Maybe it's because all the RPG fans are playing Puzzle Quest 2 (in the RPG top ten Mass Effect 2 was right below Puzzle Quest 2). Other than that, Sim City, 2 Call of Duty map packs, Call of Duty, Left 4 Dead, the usual sellers. How much longer Worms Reloaded is staying in the top ten is a wildcard at this point, but it could hold for the next few weeks.
Coming soon to Steam is DEUS EX HUMAN REVOLUTION. That will sell like hotcakes. Puzzle Quest 2 will leave the top 10, and Deus Ex will take the the front spot the first few days it becomes available for preorder, and then it will stay in the top 5 for the week it comes out. This also shows that Deus Ex: Human Revolution will come out February. Man, just talking about that game coming soon makes me excited!
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