Spectre Haunts New DC Ongoing
Jim Corrigan, aka The Spectre, hasn’t had much of a presence in “The New 52”. Really all he has had under his belt is a medium sized list of scant appearances, nothing more. Perhaps the most relevant he has been is his role in the currently ongoing
Batman Eternal weekly comic. Yet that is all about to change with the announcement of a brand-new series:
Gotham By Midnight.

Written by Ray Fawkes (
Trinity of Sin: Pandora,
Justice League Dark),
Gotham By Midnight will explore the supernatural underbelly of Gotham City through the eyes of the Spirit of Vengeance himself. Not that Spectre will be alone, as he will be joined by the “Midnight Shift” composed of a colorful cast of macabre characters who form Gotham PD’s paranormal department. For those who might be worried that the series will be too focused on the ookie and eerie, Fialkov has this to say: “
This is, after all, a story about police and detective work. They have to figure out what it is they're looking at, and I want the readers along for the ride.”
This series is also being joined by Ben Templesmith, whose work precedes him (even unfinished works such as Warren Ellis'
Fell), and is even now being called the main draw to this series. Fawkes has not found any large fandom within the DC Comics readership and is maybe even an anti-draw. Templesmith at least warrants this an initial reading.
This series kicks off this Novemeber, on the 26
th, and is the newest in the recent line of books set to revitalize the magic side of the DCU. This August could be a boon for fans of that aspect. Thoughts and comments would be appreciated below.