Vertigo’s post-apocalyptic comic series Y: The Last Man, created by Pia Guerra and Lost scribe Brian K. Vaughan, focuses on Yorick, the sole survivor of a plague that eradicated the world of all male mammals, save for him and his monkey. The two go on a quest to discover how this plague came to be.
Originally published in 2002, the comic went on to become very popular and also won some acclaim on the way. Naturally, there’s interest in translating this comic to the silver screen. With that in mind, The Hollywood Reporter has it that New Line Cinema is in final negotiations with Stephen Scaia and Matthew Federman to adapt the comic series into a feature film.
Scaia and Federman worked together as writer-producers on the television series
New Line had previously considered setting this project in motion back in 2007 with D.J. Caruso in the director’s chair and Carl Ellsworth on writing duties. The duo previously worked together on Disturbia.
Would you be excited to see "Y" on the big screen?