A mysterious Sega project has once again been brought to light, this time as Sonic Anniversary. Izaskun Urretabizkaia, the marketing director at Sega, has let some details slip on the rumored title. Apparently Sega is planning to release a compilation of classic Sonic levels from the Genesis heyday with an advanced graphical overhaul. The compilation could use the new graphics engine used for the recently released Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episodes. The name “Anniversary” suggests that the game, if it is indeed being made, will release coinciding with Sonic’s 20th anniversary which is June 2011. In recent years, many fans of the blue bomber have created their own unofficial sequels and redrawn Sonic titles which have been pretty impressive. Perhaps Sega was inspired by what they saw from amateur game developers and figured they couldn’t do much worse. The game is expected to receive a release on all major consoles.