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Shinku #2 – Review

After only one issue of partial success, Shinku #2 is poorly constructed with only a few redeeming qualities. I was entertained somewhat through the issue just enough to enjoy it. Shinku invades a building where Asano, a vampire, hides. She takes out numerous vampires until she comes face-to-face with Asano and a boardroom filled with vampires. She may have bitten off a little more than she can chew... Image: Shinku #2 written by Ron Marz and drawn by Lee ModerWriter Ron Marz has creative and entertaining qualities, but left out some elements from the first issue. This comic has a Tokyo backdrop, a samurai heroine, and mostly violence. The samurai history reveals a darker side instead of the usually honor-driven “true samurais” as Shinku, the lead character in the story, would put it. Davis, the only other protagonist in this story, is problematic. Davis is a young American with blood samples and is unfamiliar with Tokyo and vampires.    The art was a big disappointment. There are several differences between this issue and the first one. First, Lee Moder designed it independently. I preferred the team-effort style in the first issue. Second, this issue has a cartoonish look that partially fits the mood. Vampires look snow white with beady red eyes while the vampires in the first issue looked relatively human with only slightly pale skin. Lastly, Shinku looks disproportioned and is not as attractive as the first one.  Also, the style and color choices were inconsistent. Michael Atiyeh provides some fun colors and dull grays throughout. Quick color changes are noticeable and disorienting, especially during high action scenes. When two samurai are in a field at the end of the story, beautiful colors with an abstract feel were presented. It was completely disconnected from the rest of the comic. The artist and color lead need to work better together in future issues and decide a common style.      Shinku is still a pretty fun comic to read, but had too many flaws. In addition to color issues, the characters needed more development. For example it should have included more details about Davis and his purpose. This issue seemed hugely disconnected from the first one.          Overall Score – 6.3/10 *A title that's not for everyone, but has a few standout moments. Maybe if you have a few extra bucks it's worth picking up.* Interested in the first issue of Shinku? Check out my review here.


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An all-around nerdette, I’m a comic book connoisseur, horror aficionado, video game addict, anime enthusiast and an aspiring novelist/comic book writer. I am the head of the comic book department and the editor-in-chief of Entertainment Fuse. I also write and edit articles for Comic Frontline. I am also an intern at Action Lab Entertainment, a comic book publisher at which I edit comic book scripts, help work on images in solicitations and help with other comic book related project. My own personal website is comicmaven.com.

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