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Buy, Read, Pass Comics Of The Week 12/29/10

Since there are so many comics released, usually a great reviewer can’t always post those reviews. However, fret not the comic team behind all of the reviews, news, and features create a simple article that has out thoughts about comics that were released this week. For the week of 12/29/10 comics of DC Comics and Marvel release the last comics of 2010. Here is what came out and what I had to say about them. There might be a chance that I will create a full review for most of the comics listed below.

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The Player Affinity Comic Awards

Best Thing to Happen to Comics in 2010
Winner – Stan Lee at Boom! Studios.
His work for Marvel has been legendary creating almost half of the Marvel Universe with the time he’s been there. From Spider-Man to Hulk and to The Fantastic Four to The X-Men, Stan has had a great job at Marvel. His work at Boom! is already great as well. Reading Starborn, Soldier Zero, and The Traveler has put a smile on my face. If anything at all, I can’t wait until there is a team-up between the different series.

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Buy, Read, Pass – 12/8 Edition

Time for more quick verdicts on last week comics! I finally got my hands on a copy of 27 (actually two in case it blows up and becomes worth a ton of money!) And I think I may be sold on Nick Spencer finally… maybe. If I had to pick a book of the week I’d pick Thor The Might Avenger # 7. Such a fantastic title that hopefully Marvel will consider not cancelling.

27 # 1 – Buy – I was actually able to get a copy of this issue and at below cover price (screw you eBay). It’s worth picking up, but not worth paying $30 bucks for. If you can’t find it, pick up the second print.

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Top 10 Objects In Comics

Here are some of the coolest objects in comics! No matter how odd, no matter how cool, and how unused it might be I’ve got information on what objects are the greatest in comics!

10. Kryptonite

Kryptonite first appeared in Superman #61 on December of 1949. It was introduced when Superman decided to go take a trip to his (now dead) home planet, Krypton. The world soon found out that Krypton could weaken or even kill Superman; The Prankster was the first human being to encounter Superman with Kryptonite. This is one of the most common DC Comics object; that has had 335 appearances. Lex Luthor found out the hard way that it could give him cancer. However, lets save this story for another day?

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Harry Potter Countdown: “The Half-Blood Prince” Review

It’s day six of our Harry Potter Countdown and the big day is nearly here. And to add to your anticipation for that big event we are reviewing 2009’s entry in the series Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
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After David Yates made a very dark, mature and stylist blockbuster and one of the best Harry Potter films Warner Brother showed their faith by allowing him to direct the rest of the series. But whilst he did not quite drop the ball, he was butter fingered this time round.

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The Many Directions of “Harry Potter”

Like any long-running series such as James Bond, the adventures of Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan or any of the far-stretching horror franchises still active, directors come and go. Either “recommended” to leave by the studio or simply possessing the urge to branch out to other projects, their departures inevitably alter the themes, moods and interpretations from film to film, and in some cases are the ingredient that keeps the saga fresh. The Harry Potter series is no different from its other cinematic brethren, having seen four auteurs tackle the beloved material from J.K. Rowling. With part one of the highly-anticipated finale due to hit theatres Friday, Player Affinity will take a look back at the filmmakers who got the series to where it is today.

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Halcyon #1 – Review

Marc Guggenheim (the man responsible for Wolverine coming back to life from his own blood) teams up with first time writer Tara Butters to create yet another super-hero book. The story begins in the Middle East as “Jarhead” the super soldier has been sent to find Bin Laden. He easily tears apart the religious fanatics that seem to have all but given up on fighting. After practically killing all of the reluctant soldiers, he discovers that Bin Laden’s own men had killed him three days prior.

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DVD/Blu-ray DISCussion (New for 9.14.10)

There are six new DVD and Blu-ray releases for you lovely people this week: four of them are comedies, whilst the others are a big action blockbuster and a horror/thriller. Plus, it is an excellent week for re-releases, with classics like Se7enThe Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Breathless making it on to Blu-ray.

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Top 5 Best Episodes of LOST

OK, so now that we have gotten the rotten eggs out of the way, we can focus on the good. LOST captivated, infuriated, and mystified fans through 121 episodes and six seasons. Making a list of the top 25 episodes would be a daunting task, so 5 is almost impossible. Like always this is a personal list, but I tried to take into account the opinions of the massive LOST fandom. While you may not agree with the list I welcome comments and discussion. Here we go…

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Character Affinity: Deathstroke

In the world of comics you get the benefit of having cornucopia of characters. Some are fairly new but when dealing with Marvel and DC, some of them have been around for a very long time. As such they are subject to the hands and voices of different writers, editors and artists. Often times those said characters can take many different shapes and forms. Deathstroke: The Terminator, aka Slade Wilson, is one of those characters.

He was introduced in The New Teen Titans back in 1980. He showed up in the second issue to help his son Grant Wilson, aka the Ravager capture or kill the Titans. Thus he has been one of the Titans main antagonists ever since. After leaving the military he defied orders to rescue his friend Wintergreen, who had been sent on a suicide mission. Slade became a mercenary for hire but kept it a secret from his family until his son was kidnapped by a villain named The Jackal. Using his younger son Joseph as leverage, The Jackal demanded Slade to tell him the name of the person who hired him as an assassin. Slade refused because it’s against his code of honor. Joesph’s throat was slit destroying his vocal cords, leaving him a mute. Pissed that Slade let this happen to her son, Slade’s wife, Adeline who has some military traing of her own, takes Slade’s right eye.

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