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Future of DC Film Includes “Justice League” and a “Batman” Reboot

While Marvel will release its (potential) magnum opus The Avengers next year, DC looks to up the ante with its motion picture releases. Jeff Robinov, President of Warner Bros.’ film department, discussed plans for the future of DC in film withThe Los Angeles Times’ Hero Complex blog.

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Invincible #78 – Advanced Review

I remember, Invincible when it came out. The team did a Super Patriot book before it. I was ecstatic about it because I digged the art of the Super Patriot book. But at the time Invisible’s first issue came out I was not into super hero books anymore. I picked Kirkman’s zombie book, rather than his bright yellow blue teen super hero. Besides I’m sure that at one point in your comic geek life you have encounter the dreaded “Money shortage” and some books had to be sacrificed for the sake of your daily living. That was the case with me and Invisible–sure I read some reviews and features and the book sounded like a must have. Yet I never bothered to pick it up even in collected editions. When I was assign for this issue, I thought maybe I should read the back issues before reviewing issue # 78– its common sense right? But I remember when I was a kid I was not given that choice.

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c2e2 2011 – Day 1

Welcome, welcome to our recap of the events of c2e2 day 1. Not a lot happened on the first day so rather than a bunch of little posts we’re compiling it all into one big post. Although you’ll probably not find it too long either. To kick off the day Kevin and I and all the other registered professionals, meaning exhibitors, panelists and press were invited to walk around the sales floor for the first four hours of the day. This was fun in the fact that we had the opportunity to see the booths before the crowd and map out where everything was. A booth we spent a lot of time at was Mattel’s booth. Mattel was displaying a lot of new action figures from Ghostbusters to He-Man and WWE. The largest display though came from the Green Lantern movie. 

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Archer – The Double Deuce

Archer continues its recent trend of backstory episodes by giving us the
origin story of Woodhouse and even setup some interesting stuff with
Malory. Couple that with the regular hilarity we’ve come to expect from
Archer and we’ve got another killer episode. Not the best episode this
season, but still good.

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DC Character Affinity: Superboy-Prime

Antihero is a protagonist of a drama, or narrative, who is notably lacking in heroic qualities. With lack of positive qualities such as: courage, physical prowess, fortitude and generally feel helpless in a world over which they have no control. All these qualities normally belonging to villains, misunderstood villains like Superboy-Prime. As one of the many alternate Supermans, Prime resides on an Earth known as Earth Prime. Where DC only characters exists as fictional characters and nothing more. While Kal-El Prime was still a toddler, his scientist father made a grave discovery. Jor-El Prime learned that a massive solar flare from Krypton’s red sun threatened to engulf their home world, ultimately destroying it. In a New England seacoast town, Jerry and Naomi Kent were hiking through the forests when they discovered the abandoned toddler. They decided to adopt him and raise him as their own. Naomi chose to name him Clark, despite the fact that Clark Kent was the name of a popular comic book hero known as Superman. Unlike his namesake however, Clark Kent grew up without the benefit of super-powers.

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Morning Glories #7 – Review

Morning Glories returns with a brand new story arc and a place for new readers to jump onto. The story opens up with a man named Andrew in a very poor part of India. He’s come to find an extraordinary child and isn’t disappointed. The young girl will grow up to be Zoe, but in the meantime she’s already learned English just by Andrew’s presences. Since Zoe is an orphan he has it arranged for her to be taken to America and put with a particular family. Flashing forward to the present, we find Zoe and Casey alone in their room. Casey asks what Zoe’s problem is and Zoe answers her by going off. She chews Casey out for not trusting her enough to include her on the fine details of her rescue mission and storms out of the room. While walking she comes across a team of cheerleaders practicing. Zoe can’t believe that this screwed up school actually has a cheer team. As the practice lets out one of the girls catches up with Zoe and begins talking to her.

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Supernatural – Unforgiven

This week’s episode of Supernatural definitely seems to be one of the
darker ones, but in a different way than normal. Usually it’s the
monsters that are doing horrible acts and the show is dark because of
their nature and violence. However, in this episode the behavior of
humans is hard to watch. As mentioned in the episode, things are a bit
Momento as Sam gets a mysterious text luring him back to a town that he
and Samuel were hunting in a year prior, but since this is Sam with a
soul things are completely new for him. Through numerous flashbacks and
the brothers picking up clues, the mystery slowly starts to unravel.
This episode being so mysterious is another unique property of it.
Usually we as the audience know more than the brothers, but this time
we’re as clueless as they are.

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The Event Retrospective

With the first half of the premiere season done its time to take a look back at The Event and decide whether or not it stacks up. We all know that NBC was taking a run at making the new Lost, but the biggest surprise was how closely they mirrored ABC’s hit. While The Event is no Lost, it is a enjoyable show that seems both conflicted and confused. We will break down the show in a couple of categories.

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Will Brightest Day Be The End of Those Risen?

From the darkness – came light. And from that light, the Dark came back… When Nekkron and Black Hand brought death with them, it literally tore the DC Universe apart. Now that Nekkron is seemingly dead and Black Hand with the indigo tribe, the light has once again won against the darkness! However, for how long? As I recently noticed, Brightest Day can’t last forever! And after Boston finds his calling at being the only person wielding a white ring, what will happen after that? Does darkness win in the end? Or is there a spectacular battle against darkness and light again?

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The Death Of…

If there is one thing that comics have plenty of is lots and lots of characters (obvious fact). Love or hate these characters the intended audience will quite often have some sort of emotional response towards them. For example a lot of people love Batman because he’s powerless and yet still kicks butt. Many people dislike the Sentry, thinking he is overpowered and a shallow character.

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