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Trailer Tracker: Super Bowl Surge!

Yes, sadly our excuse to
drink excessively and eat enough chicken wings to make Colonel Sanders himself
gag has passed, but thanks to the Super Bowl and a great effort by those
cheese-lovin’ Packers, movie fans can now gorge themselves on all the great
movie spots this year’s telecast had to offer. Ok, you can have one more beer,
its Trailer Tracker.

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Buy, Read, Pass – Everything On My Desk Edition

This is it, I’m finally caught up with the exception of trade paper backs (which don’t count). So here’s yet another jam packed edition of Buy, Pass, Read dubbed “Everything on My Desk Edition.” If you’re unfamiliar with the way the article works, I recommend checking out the last batch of Buy, Pass, Read’s for a walk through on how this works. Otherwise, let’s get going!

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Comic Fans on Comic Movies: Green Lantern The Movie

Being that this is the comic section who better to ask about this summer’s up coming comic book movie releases. In this feature we take a look at the up coming Green Lantern release. This is DC’s and parent companies first venture outside of Batman and Superman (not counting the Wonder Woman and Flash TV shows), so it’s a pretty big deal. Many comic fans were instantly crushed by the casting of Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordon so we decided to take a look at a hand full of released images both official and unofficial and give our thoughts and comments. Feel free to leave yours in the comments below or on the message board.

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The Best Super Bowl Commercials

The game is over, but the real war has just begun. Who won the commercial battle in the 2011 Super Bowl? It was a pretty strong year with the usual competitors providing strong showings. Coke, Pepsi, Doritos, Bud Light, and several car companies were some of the standouts. We are going to run down some of the highlights from this year’s commercial wars.

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Duty Calls – The Call of Duty Parody

There’s definitely something to be said for the qualities of Call of Duty, both bad and good. Many have parodied it in one way or another, but EA just brought it to the commercial level, with the Bulletstorm marketing game called Duty Calls. Duty Calls is a small, downloadable and free game that lasts about 4 minutes. As you can guess by the title, the game is a spoof of Call of Duty, and military shooters in general. 

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Test Drive Unlimited 2 Review

If you’ve played the original Test Drive Unlimited, you are probably aware of the game’s triumphs and shortcomings. On one hand you get a relatively solid racer, a huge game world with miles of open road, and plenty of flashy rides to drool over. Unfortunately, this was offset by very generic graphics, a rather lifeless world, vapid dialogue and some of the most aridly mundane driving tasks to date. The sequel to this average racer, Test Drive Unlimited 2, aims to correct the first game’s flaws and for the most part succeeds in doing so. Not surprisingly though, there are some reoccurring disappointments and a lot of little caveats that prevent the game from showing its true potential.

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Sanctum Review

No denying that there is a niche market for “inspired by a true story” films, but it’s still a niche market. If such a film is going to be pulled off successfully, oftentimes they need to be fueled by characters that can be identified with: whether they be you or your neighbor, you buy that these characters on screen walked the Earth at one point or another. Sanctum, while having remarkable source material to work with, fails to establish it’s characters believably before throwing them headlong into danger.

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Driver of the Dead #3 – Review

A little less magic in this issue, but a whole hell of a lot more action. Alabaster Graves finds deeper meaning to his true calling as he rushes to save Marissa from her impending doom at the hands of dead man.

When we last left Graves he was about to go into a swamp to kill one of the oldest living werewolves. He needs to stab it in the heart with a silver needle in order to kill Fallow with it. One of the white witches gives him a way to find the beast and Graves sets out to either kill or be killed. In an intense scene of action Graves is blindsided by the werewolf and forced underwater. There he sits and waits for his chance to strike. Just as the werewolf gets close, Graves jumps from the water and stabs him with the silver needle. The werewolf transforms into a man and begs to be killed before changing again. Graves doesn’t hesitate for a moment as he slits the man’s throat.

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Console Exclusives We Want on PC – Alan Wake

We PC gamers can be smugly assured that we have the best hardware; our gigantic hard drives, state of the art graphics cards and laser-precise mice give us a clear edge over console gamers.  But what about the games we play?  Admit it, we all get console envy from time to time when some new AAA game comes out only for Xbox of Playstation.  There’s no shame in confessing that you want to play some piece of forbidden Wii fruit either. 

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New Sony NGP Trailer Shows More Games

Sony has released a new trailer that shows some more games heading for Sony’s NGP (Next Generation Portable). The games on the trailer include the stunning looking Gravity Daze, Killzone, Little Big Planet, Wipeout, Resistance, Uncharted, and some other new titles that make use of the systems’ rear touchpad and Sixaxis motion sensing system.

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