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Dracula: The Company of Monsters #10 – Review

Dracula: The Company of Monsters #10 decides to dance through several time periods within the comic’s universe, and most of them are pretty dull, matching the mostly flat artwork.  After a promising ninth issue (and I can feel the hate mail coming my way for saying this), Kurt Busiek’s latest issue may have some pretty cool moments – but not enough to measure up to my expectations, instead managing to irritate me.

The story picks up from the beginning of the last issue with Evan and Dracula torturing Conrad.  There’s a flashback explaining more about Dracula’s dark past and events revolving around Evan, and how he devised the plan to trick not only Conrad but Dracula, leading up to the final confrontations between two groups of bloodthirsty vampires and a group of slayers.

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Halo CE HD Remake and Halo 4 announced

Microsoft closed out their press conference with the man that helped establish the console, Master Chief. Halo 4marks the first time that a Halo tittle has been developed outide of Bungie, who recently signed with Activitision. It appears the Halo 4 will take place right after the events of Halo 3’s Legendary ending.
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Cyber Monday: The Start of June

Hello you growing in number comic book cybernauts and welcome to another edition of Cyber Monday, your best source for spotlighting the best and interesting digital comics. This week let’s start by going back in time, so far back in time we are talking about the 40’s and close to the beginning of DC comics.

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Ubisoft Announce Brothers in Arms Furious 4

Ubisoft has announced they will be releasing a new game in
the Brothers in Arms series by developer Gearbox which is set to take the series
in a completely new direction.

Brothers in Arms Furious 4 is a gleefully overdone FPS set in World War
II and follows four men who are trying to reach and assassinate Hitler.
Players have special weapons and unusual individual combat abilities, all to fight a secret experimental Nazi army.
The four main characters
are a Texan called Crockett who carries a cattle brand, a man called Stitch who
has an electric torture device, an Indian named Chok with a tomahawk, and man known as
Montana who has a
chainsaw. The game contains a campaign mode playable with four players in co-op,
and an extensive multiplayer mode.

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Ubisoft Shows Assassin’s Creed: Revelations at E3

Although the
game has been known about for a few weeks now, Ubisoft gave us more information
and an extended trailer for Assassin’s Creed: Revelations during their E3
Press Conference. We are told the fourth game in the franchise will be the most immersive experience from the series to
date and will mark the end of Ezio’s adventure. The game is set to arrive
on PS3 and Xbox 360 this November.

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations Ezio walks in
Altaïr’s footsteps on a
journey to Constantinople at the heart of the
Empire, where Templars are destabilizing the region. Ubisoft have refined existing elements of gameplay like
the combat and stealth aspects from previous Assassins Creed outings, while
also bringing some new aspects to the game, such as the use of bombs and a zip
line hook. In addition to the single player campaign, the multiplayer returns, with more
modes, more maps and more characters. The game also includes new gameplay
elements “allowing players to manipulate the construct of Desmond’s memories
and the Animus to decipher the mysteries of his past and gain insight into the

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The Five Best and Five Worst Adapted X-Men in Movies

The release of X-Men: First Class
is just about here and we have had a long time getting to know X-Men
characters. Some of them are good and fun, whilst others bad or
disappointing. So to celebrate the release of this summer blockbuster,
let’s look at the best and worst X-Men characters in the film universe.

Singer took a charge when he cast model Rebecca Romjin as the
shapeshifting assassin Mystique. Luckily it worked and a fan’s favorite
was given rightful treatment. Mystique uses her powers to great
effective as Magneto’s right-hand man and personal spy. She is not just a
pretty face but also a martial artist who can certainly take on highly
trained soldiers and our favorite Canadian mutant. In the comics she is
more of a rogue, but I will allow a diversion in her character.

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Fly #1 – Review

You know life sucks when wake up to find that your only means of transportation is stuck up in a street lamp, ten feet off the ground. That’s the kind of crap day that Eddie Patron is having. As he walks back to his apartment in the projects, he is greeted by his ex, Danielle, who happens to be floating a few feet off the floor. She then begins to express how disappointed she is by laying a full blown ass-whooping on Eddie. She throws him through walls, knocks him through a window, snatches him through ceilings and flies him above the clouds just to torture him. The reason for this ex-lover spat: Eddie’s been running and hiding from Danielle because he’s got something valuable, something that she wants. After Eddie tells her that she’s going to have to kill him first, she reinstates from the before mentioned ass-whooping. Just as Eddie is about to black out he recalls when they were truly in love, when they first met. From their wedding to their first night together to their days in high school.

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Is It Worth It?

I have been a PS3 owner for a while now. I still love my machine as much as the day I got her. However, times have changed. While my 60 GB PS3 was once the biggest fish in the sea, now, it’s just a bloated fish. Newer members of the PS3 family have bigger hard drives that you now need with all the downloadable content, and enough left over to store all your movies and music. However, there is always the option to upgrade.

Upgrading your PS3 is not a new prospect. Its original purpose was to give extra space for those that added a second operating system, though with that being a dead idea the feature is most useful to those who feel they need the space for other things: music, videos, pictures, DLC, or even games. It is one of the many things that sold me on the system. Now, I’m sure you’re wondering if it would be worth it for you. The answer is easily yes for older users like myself. At this point in the game, with all the great things you can do with the PS3, space is a growing issue. Having just 20 to 80 gigs of memory is cutting it really close, and honestly it’s really easy to upgrade. Best of all, it’s not that expensive.

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Trailer Tracker: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, 50/50 and more

As the second official month of blockbuster season rolls around, so does a mixed slate of new clips including a
handful that are among the best-looking of the year so far and a couple that incite
grimaces as quickly as the weather does profuse sweating. Our featured trailer
this week is the “leaked” red band trailer for David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (more on
that disclaimer later), which stands as one of the most unique and enticing
instances of marketing in recent memory.

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The Tooth TPB – Review

It happens to everyone that enjoys a form of mass entertainment… eventually something you’re looking forward to doesn’t live up to your own hype. That’s what happened with The Tooth, Oni Press’ newest graphic novel about a crime fighting tooth that resides in a man’s jaw line; as I sat down to read its adventures. The concept of a tooth that fights crime, but then returns to some guy’s mouth was ridiculous and awesome all in the same breath. Unfortunately it fell short of greatness, but not delight.

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